Some information for those of you who might be interested in a college visit to Missouri State.
Fall Orchestra Concert
Last evening’s concert was one of the finest fall concerts that the LSWHS orchestra program has given since the school opened. The orchestras did everything I asked musically, and I could not be more proud of our students. Please enjoy these recordings of each groups performance from last evening. – Mr. Mosier
Sarpino's Pizza Night 10/14
Please consider purchasing pizza for your dinner at home on Wednesday as our music program (band, choir, orchestra) will benefit 10% of ALL sales from Sarpino’s Pizza. Share this flier with all your friends and family. You do NOT need the flier to get the donation for us. Help us out and spread the word!
Titan Pride Update, Friday, October 9
Well, we made it through another busy week. And, we get a LITTLE reprieve next week.
Here is the update for the week:
Saturday, Oct 10 (this week)
Again, the itinerary for Saturday is attached. Please have kids on campus at 10:45 so rehearsal can start promptly at 11am on the stadium field. Beware, the Race for the Future will be finishing in the 10 o’clock hour, so you MAY run into slight challenges getting in. It has worked every year so far.
Tuesday – NO rehearsal (as always scheduled) There is a choir concert that night and many of our band kids are involved.
Thursday – ONLY evening rehearsal of the week, please be in attendance and on time 6:30-8:30
Friday – Football Game – also Senior Night
Call time for battery is 5pm
Call time for all other band members is 5:45pm
Call time for Seniors and their parents is TBD, please look for invitation in the mail from the school administration concerning logistics for this.
Future Reminders
- FINAL PAYMENTS FOR BAND FEES ARE DUE NEXT THURSDAY, if you need a balance due, please contact me via email
- Possible playoff game on Oct 23 (stay tuned)
- Competition on Saturday, Oct 24 (ALL DAY LONG) 6:30am departure, arriving home late in the night (11pm or later) PLAN AHEAD!
- Make sure your concert instruments are ready to go for the week of Oct 26
- Band Banquet is currently scheduled for Monday, November 23rd
- At this point, all girls in the band should have their concert outfit complete. If alterations are necessary, please take care of them now so they are ready for our concerts in Nov/Dec
- At this point, all boys in the band have been fitted for a tuxedo. We will hold onto that until later. But, remember, it is the responsibility of the student to provide a TUXEDO shirt and bow tie.
Have a great weekend! Go Titan Pride!
Busy week for marching band
Reminders for this busy week in the band world!
- Pit orchestra rehearsal Monday after school
- Tuesday: Performance at volleyball game. Call time 6:10pm. Probably finished around 8pm
- Rehearsal on Wednesday AND Thursday 6:30-8:30pm. We will be learning the last 5 sets of the show, so make sure you are ready for a focused rehearsal.
- Thursday morning pit orchestra rehearsal before school
- Saturday, Bronco Invitational. Itinerary on the band room door tomorrow.
Great job Saturday! So proud of all of you. Let’s take it up a notch this week!
Great Day for the Titan Pride
Lots of positive results from the Park Hill Marching Invitational:
Titan Pride Drumline – 1st Place
Titan Pride Marching Band – 1st Place
Also, Outstanding General Effect, Outstanding Woodwind Performance (Flute Section), Outstanding Brass Performance (Tuba Trio), Outstanding Percussion Section
Titan Pride Update, Friday, October 2nd
It’s Friday again, and it’s competition time! Please read carefully for information about tomorrow, and next week’s craziness.
Thank you ALL for coming last night. It was really nice to have a captive audience for our kids to feel an energy rush. We are really close to making this thing hit on all fronts. Excited for tomorrow!
Please make sure your child is here at or before their call time. They will need a backpack filled with clothing for any type of weather, snacks, money for concessions, and more importantly, black socks and marching shoes. They should be wearing their yellow "Shine" shirts for the day.
We strongly encourage families to attend and support the Titan Pride at their first competition of the year. Go Titans!
Tuesday, Dig for the Cure (performance at volleyball game/fundraiser for cancer research)
Call time is 6:10pm. We are providing a tee shirt for them to wear, purchased by the administration. Students should be picked up between 7:45 and 8. They will text you ahead of time.
Wednesday, Evening rehearsal (6:30-8:30)
Students to be in section tee shirts
Thursday, Evening rehearsal (6:30-8:30)
Students to be in yellow "Shine" shirts
The above is a slightly different schedule, but no added evenings, just what was on original schedule.
Saturday, Bronco Invitational
Attached you will find an itinerary for our competition NEXT week marked "Bronco Invitational"
Senior Parents
Senior Night will be at our football game on October 16th. Look for more information soon on that.
Have a great Friday!
Marching Band Bus Sign Up
Sign up for your bus for our marching band trips this season. This is a one time sign up and the bus selection will stay the same for all marching events unless Mr. Thurmond makes a change. If you don’t sign up by Thursday you will be assigned to a bus.
Concert Choir Robe Fees
Hello Concert Choir families:
We still have several Concert Choir members who have not taken care of their $25.00 “robe fee” that was due several weeks ago. Please check with your student and make sure this is taken care of as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Amy Krinke
Men's Choir uniform information
Hello Men’s Choir Families:
The following letter regarding Men’s Choir uniforms was sent home with your son over two weeks ago when we fitted the guys for their Men’s Choir blazers. Unfortunately, as of this moment, we have 46 guys who have not taken care of their $30.00 uniform payment. We have the Men’s choir shirts ready to pass out, but need the students to take care of their $30 fee before we give them their shirt. The guys already have their blazer and tie in their possession. Each student must also provide their own black dress slacks and black dress shoes. With the concert fast approaching we need to get this taken care of right away.
Thank you!
Amy Krinke and Jacob Lowry
September 10, 2015
Men’s Choir Uniform Fee:
$30.00 includes purchasing a Men’s Choir shirt, and the rental of a jacket and tie. Please make checks payable to LSWHS by September 18, 2015
Men’s Choir Uniform Information