LSWHS Orchestra Information for 2015-16

Hello Orchestra Students and Parents:

The 2015-16 school year is about to start and I am very excited about how great all three of the orchestras at LSWHS are going to be this year!

This email contains information about all-district and all-state orchestra auditions as well as a calendar of our events for the year. I have also attached a pdf version of our calendar if you want to print it out and post it somewhere. If you would like to add our calendar to your Google calendars the link for sharing the calendar is: Orchestra Google Calendar Link Continue reading “LSWHS Orchestra Information for 2015-16”

Check out the trailers!

Earlier this summer our trailers were wrapped to match our new uniform design. One trailer says “Titan Pride Marching Band” and the other says “Lee’s Summit West Music.” Both trailers will be put to great use helping get LSW musicians to and from events around the country!Trailer Trailer 2

Fundraising Opportunity

A fundraising opportunity was presented to the Music Parents that I wanted to pass along.

This is an individual student account fundraiser; these funds can be used for music related expenses for the program. We’ll be getting a lump sum that will be distributed evenly per person/hours.

The schedule for volunteers at Pyro City (in Lone Jack) is:

July 3rd 1:00 – 9:00 pm – we will provide dinner

July 4th 10:00 – 5:00 pm – we will provide lunch

We need each shift:
2 adults to supervise and help with parking if needed

4 greeters/cart person must be 16 years old

6 baggers/stockers must be 16 years old

Volunteers can wear shorts/t-shirt but please not tanks or mid drift shirts. Tennis shoes – not flip flops.
Volunteers can bring a water bottle or other drink that has a lid. There is a water fountain to be used to refill water bottles.

Marching Band Summer Update #2

Below you will see added information, as well as the fee structure worksheets so you can begin to plan financially for camp. Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me. All changes, edits, additions are in bold below:

  1. You should have received, or will be receiving soon, a phone call from your section leader giving you dates of sectionals. Of course, we realize you have already planned vacations and such, but ask that if you are in town, you are in attendance at your sectionals. So far, I have the following sectional information for each section:
  • Flutes: June 29, 2:00-4:00pm AND July 10, 1:30-3:00pm at Kate Mosier’s house
  • Clarinets: June 26, 6:00-8:00pm at Emily’s house AND July 17, 6:30-8:30pm at Julia Krause’s house (info to follow from section leader, Emily)
  • Alto Sax: July 1, 2:00pm AND July 18, 2:00pm, location TBA
  • Tenor Sax: June 30, 12:00-1:00pm AND July 20, 12:00-1:00pm at Peyton Culclagers house
  • Trumpet: July 11, 5:00-7:00pm AND July 19, 4:00-5:00pm at Jaret Workman’s house
  • Mellophone: June 25, July 9, July 23 from 6:30-8:30pm at Logan’s house.
  • Trombone/Baritone: TBA
  • Tuba: June 27, Time and location TBA
  • Drumline: June 23 and 30, Bass Drums (4-5pm), Snares/Tenors (5-6pm), Frontline (6-7pm) at LSWHS in the band room with the drumline instructors (Mr. Vallar and Mr. Houston
  1. DRUMLINE CAMP is July 6-10 from 8am to 3pm (8-11 and 12:30 – 3) If you don’t want to stay at school for lunch, you may ONLY drive yourself OR be picked up by a family member. Students are NOT to ride in the car with other students.
  2. LEADERSHIP CAMP is July 12-15 (times TBA) and July 23 (8am to 12pm)
  3. ROOKIE CAMP (anyone not in band here last year) July 24 (8am to 12pm)
  4. BAND CAMP (all members of the program) July 27-July 31 (8am to 4pm)
  6. TRULY 150 PARADE August 1, TIMES TBA
  7. Attached are the marching band fee structure worksheets. Make sure you print of the correct one according to the instrument your son/daughter plays! The fees will be due, along with the completed form, on the Tuesday of band camp.
  8. Don’t forget that you MUST have your physical exam form completed and turned into the activity office at LSWHS BEFORE you participate in your first camp. I have attached that form again for those who have misplaced it.

Have a great June!

Truly 150 Band: Players Needed

As you may or may not be aware, Lee’s Summit is currently celebrating it’s 150th year! One way we are celebrating is with the Celebrate 150! Evening Extravaganza on August 1st beginning at 7:30 PM. This performance will be held at Hertzog Stadium at Lee’s Summit High School. This event will include performances by a Truly 150 Choir, Matt Lewis and Drex Six.

Now here’s where you come in . . .We are putting together a Truly 150 Band under the leadership of James Oliver. We will rehearse in the band room at LSHS from 6-8 PM on the following Sunday evenings: July 12, 19, 26. We are looking for adults and advanced high school students to participate in this event and hope you can join us!

If you are interested, please go to the following link to let us know by Friday, June 19!


State Solo and Ensemble Festival Schedule

Hello Students and Parents going to STATE! for Orchestra Events

Attached to this email, you will find your schedule of events and a map of the Missouri University Campus.

State festival is on Friday, May 1st. You will be excused from school all day to be able to participate. Students are responsible for their own transportation. Please make sure you have turned in your transportation forms.

I look forward to a GREAT day.

Mr. Mosier