Una Voce Fall Calendar

Hello! Una Voce is off and running this year. What an EXCEPTIONAL group of kids we have in this choir! I am really looking forward to seeing what this group can accomplish this year. They are already working at a very high level and we are only 2 weeks in:)

Attached to this email is the Fall Calendar. I wanted to bring everyone’s attention to the weekend of Nov. 21-22-23 as that looks to be a very busy weekend for Una Voce. We have been invited to a Chamber Choir Invitational at Webster University in St. Louis. I’m working out the details on this, and as soon as I have more information, I’ll get that to you.

Also, the majority of the group has expressed interest in All-District Choir, All-State Choir auditions, etc. and those are coming up quickly.

I love your kids so much, thank you for sharing them, working with them is the most joyful part of my day!


Amy Krinke

Una Voce Calendar Final.xlsx

Ice Cream Social

The 11th annual LSWHS Ice Cream Social will be from 5:00 to 8:30 p.m. Sept. 9 in the Lee’s Summit West Courtyard . Tickets for a meal are $5.00 and includes a hot dog or hamburger, chips, and a drink. Tickets for a dessert are $5.00 and includes a water, ice cream and assorted desserts.

The Concert Orchestra, Philharmonic Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, Titan Pride Marching Band, Freshman Women’s Choir, Men’s Choir, Women’s Choir, Una Voce, and Concert Choir will be featured at the event. The performances will begin at 6:00 p.m.

Titan Pride Update, Week of September 1st

Hello there! You are receiving this week’s update a day early, mostly because a couple of items would be too late if I waited until tomorrow.

Rehearsal TONIGHT and Music Parents meeting TONIGHT
All marching band members are to be on the parking lot, ready to rehearse at 6:30pm. Several students have been showing up late recently and we’d like to eliminate that. My favorite quote to them about this is "On time is late!"
The first Music Parents meeting is TONIGHT from 7 to 8pm in the band room. This is a meeting for ANY/ALL parents of a student in the music program at LSWHS (not just officers). Please consider attending and getting involved in this wonderful support organization. There are several needs and opportunities for you available this year, and tonight is the night to get acquainted. Hope to see you all there!

Concert Season Uniform
ALL male members of the band (Percussion Class, Concert Band, and Symphonic Band) will be renting a tuxedo from us. This will be worn at every performance outside of marching band this year. Boys were given the tuxedo sizing form (attached to this email) and were told to have it back (completed) by tomorrow, Friday, with a check made payable to LSWHS for $22 or cash.
All female members of the band that are new to the program (Percussion Class, Concert Band, and Symphonic Band) will be purchasing a dress in hopes that is will fit for the duration of high school. These girls were given the dress information form (attached to this email) and were told to bring a check made payable to LSWHS for $80 or cash tomorrow, Friday. During class, some mothers will be here at school to help your daughter try on a dress so we can order the right size.

Marching Band Scheduling Update
We had a schedule swap occur for a rehearsal in October. We now have a rehearsal on Tuesday, October 7th, NOT Thursday, October 9th.
Here is an updated schedule, just in case.

Additional Performance
I apologize for the added event. I fully understand that some conflicts may be unavoidable and that is fine, please just communicate them to me via email.
The band has been asked to participate and perform in the annual Dig for the Cure volleyball match, which will be played OUTSIDE in Titan Stadium this year (interesting, huh?).
We will play at this game in a pep band format on Wednesday, September 17th. More details to follow as we grow closer.


Brass and Woodwinds will meet again on Tuesday morning at 6:45AM.
Drumline will meet again on Tuesday evening at 5pm

Again, we have a rehearsal at 6:30 on Tuesday and Thursday of next week.

ALL students should have ice cream social tickets in their possession at this time. We encourage them to sell all 10 tickets before next Friday. They are responsible for turning in the money AND any unsold tickets by this time.

Since we don’t have school Monday, please make note of having your son/daughter at school for sectionals Tuesday morning.

Have a great weekend!

Clifton D. Thurmond

LSW Dress Info.doc

LSW Tuxedo Sizing Form.doc

2014 MB Sched Aug 28.docx

National Anthem auditions – tomorrow

Hello Concert Choir families,

All students enrolled in Concert Choir can audition to sing the National Anthem as a soloist at LSW home athletic events. Auditions for the Fall Season are tomorrow, August 28th, after school in the Choir room. Singing at athletic events is a great way to showcase the talent of our LSW vocalists. Students can sing in any style, and in any key they choose. Please help me encourage your student to audition!

Thank you,

Amy Krinke

LSWHS MUSIC Dept Info: Girls Dresses and Boys Tuxedos

Hello Parents and Students:

Today, your student was given a dress form and or a tuxedo form in class. I have attached both forms in one file to this email for your information.

ALL MONEY FOR DRESSES AND TUXEDOS IS DUE THIS FRIDAY, AUGUST 29TH. We understand that this turn-around is really quick. Please contact me if you need more time etc.

Please read the forms carefully as they give all information that you will need to know.

BOYS: Please get sized and turn in your money by Friday
GIRLS: Mrs. Pabst will begin sizing you upstairs in the music library on Friday of this week.

LSWHS Dress – Tuxedo Forms.pdf

Gearing up for a great year!

Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year! What an amazing group of kids we have to work with each day. Every choir is working hard, and getting started on music that will be performed for the Ice Cream Social, Sept. 9th.

We wanted to make sure of a couple of details before we get too far into the school year:

1). Each student should have brought home the Choir Syllabus. This contains required concert dates, as well as important information for all choir students. The Student/Parent Contract (yellow sheet) that was attached to that syllabus is due TOMORROW. If your student has not turned that in, there is one more day left. You can view the syllabus and other documents at www.titanmusic.org

2). On Friday, we are measuring all Freshman Women’s Choir, Women’s Choir, Band and Orchestra ladies for their concert dresses. We need a several moms to help us out with this process from 8:15 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Please email Mrs. Pabst if you are available to help out.

3). If your student is in Concert Choir (grades 10-12) the $25 robe rental/maintenance fee is due this Friday, August 29th. Checks payable to LSWHS.

Thank you again for your support. Keep your eye out for information about the Ice Cream Social coming up on Sept. 9th! We hope to have a great turn out from all of our Titan Choir Families.


Amy Krinke and Jacob Lowry

LSWMP Ice Cream Social

Good evening,

This past Thursday and Friday I spent the day at the high school handing out a packet that included five meal tickets, five dessert tickets and a letter explaining the ice cream social. I’m going to attach the letter as well as instructions on how to access CHARMS (it will be one document).

If you haven’t received the tickets from your students please ask them. There will also be more tickets available from each of the music teachers. It’s important that money/checks or unused tickets are turned back in so that we can plan accordingly for food.

Volunteers are needed for this event as we serve roughly 1300 meals and desserts at this event. We need any help that you can give. Our volunteer coordinator will be sending information on how to signup. She’ll likely wait until after this next weekend, CHARMS is doing a server upgrade shortly.

If you’d like to donate or know of a business that would like to donate an item(s) for the live auction please let me know. We currently have one parent that will be donating three snare cajons, which will be demonstrated at the ice cream social.

Food will start being served at 5pm with performances starting at 6pm. Performance schedule to be announced shortly.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Go Titans!!

Brent Grigsby – LSWMP President

Ice Cream Social Letter and CHARMS.doc

Band Tailgating @ 6pm Friday

The tailgating before the game has changed due to the game time change. Brent will have the grill out at 6PM. Bring your own food. Plates and utensils will be supplied.

CHANGES to this week's Titan Pride Update + Next Week's Email

Hi there! We’ve had a couple of changes to the email I sent out on Monday as well as the email for NEXT week. Here they are:

Sectionals for Brass and Woodwinds
I mistakenly mentioned they would be on Friday mornings, but they are, in fact, on TUESDAY mornings at 6:45am. This will begin THIS COMING TUESDAY. I will see all brass and woodwind players at this time.

Friday Night Football Game
Due to heat, the football game on Friday night is having a delayed start by one hour (8pm). Therefore, the call time for the full band (in khaki shorts, provided tee shirt, and tennis shoes/socks) will be 7pm in the PAC ready to warm up.
Also, because of the heat, they have moved our pep assembly to 7:30AM tomorrow morning. Because of this change, we will need all band members in the band room to warm up by 7:15am (also with the uniform on). I realize this may create complications with transportation to school, but please let me know if I can be of assistance.


Ice Cream Social Tickets
In preparation for our Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, September 9th, the students are receiving an envelope full of tickets this morning (THURSDAY, 8/21). Each student is expected to sell these tickets as this is our biggest group fundraiser of the year that benefits the booster organization (Music Parents). Please look for these tonight so you can help your son/daughter take care of supporting this event. More information about the particulars of the event and ticket sales will be sent home from our booster president, Brent Grigsby.

Monday, August 25
All students will be sent home with a concert uniform sizing form and fee sheet. This is for the uniform we will wear from November through May. All boys will be issued a tuxedo for a $22/year fee and will be expected to provide their own bowtie, tuxedo wing-tipped shirt, and black socks/shoes. All girls will be purchasing a concert dress for $80. This should be the only time the girls will need to purchasing this dress, barring significant growth. Attached is the form explaining this and requesting the sizing (boys only) and fees (boys and girls) be turned in by Friday, Aug 29.
(See attached file: LSW Dress Info.doc)(See attached file: LSW Tuxedo Sizing Form.doc)

Tuesday, August 26
6:45am for all brass and woodwind players
Evening Rehearsal
Drumline 5pm
Full Band 6:30pm

Thursday, August 28
Evening Rehearsal
Drumline does NOT have rehearsals on Thursdays unless otherwise noted
Full Band 6:30pm

Have a great week!

Clifton D. Thurmond

LSW Dress Info.doc

LSW Tuxedo Sizing Form.doc