Titan Pride Update, week of November 4

Good morning and happy Friday!

Now that marching band is over in the competitive/rehearsal sense, you will probably see bi-weekly updates from me from here on out.

Monday, November 4
Band Banquet at Garozzo’s
Begins at 7pm
For all that RSVP’d, please bring cash or check (made payable to LSWHS) to the banquet with you. We will have a table at the banquet room entrance collecting that money from you.
The kids have been asked by their band council to dress nicely, as it is a nice restaurant and a nice event.

Tuesday, November 5
Music Parents meeting, 7pm in the band room
All parents are encouraged to attend

Wednesday, November 6
Playoff Football vs Belton HS
Call time for students is 6:00pm. This is different than usual. Want to give them more time at home before the game.

Monday, November 11
Playoff Football, if we win on Wednesday

Symphonic Band
Members of the Symphonic Band received the attached syllabus for this class. It has all concert dates and policies/expectations for being a part of the Symphonic Band.
(See attached file: 2014 SB Syllabus)

Concert Band
Members of the Concert Band were given a list of their concert dates as well, please ask your son/daughter about this so they can be put on your calendar.

Winter Concert
Percussion Class, Symphonic Band, Concert Band
Tuesday, December 10th

Have a great week!

Clifton D. Thurmond

Fundraising Opportunities


There are a couple of upcoming volunteer opportunities. Please sign up in Charms if you can assist.

Cookie Dough Fundraiser — Cookie dough will be delivered to the school on Nov. 7th. Andrea Kaiser will need assistance in sorting the cookie dough and distributing cookie dough for pickup. Shifts are from 1:00pm to 3:00pm and 3:00pm to 6:00pm.

Christmas in the Park — The LSW Music Parent group has been given the opportunity to assist Jackson County with the Christmas in the Park display at Longview Lake. In exchange for manning the donation buckets and distributing candy to everyone that comes through the park on a given night, our group will be given up to $1,000 for the general fund. Our group has been assigned Nov. 29th from 5:00pm to 11:00pm. This is the Friday after Thanksgiving, so I know a number of people will be out of town, but if you are in town please consider volunteering. It should be a fun night! (Note: children under the age of 16 are not allowed to participate in this volunteer opportunity. We can have some students that are at 16, but the majority of the volunteers must be adults.) Also, if a certain local football team is playing for the state championship, then that game will occur on Sat. Nov. 30th J

Thank you for all of the support that you provide the LSW music program!

Nancy Shaeffer
Volunteer Coordinator


Meeting Change

Due to a couple of scheduling conflicts the November music parent meeting is being moved to Tuesday, November 5th at 7pm.  Please join us to learn about what’s going on in the Choir, Orchestra and Band programs in addition to the 2015 music trip voting.

Please visit titanmusic.org or www.charmsoffice.com (LSWHSMusic) for more information about the music program.  You can also visit the music parents on facebook – https://www.facebook.com/groups/lswmp/

Titan Pride!

Brent Grigsby
LSWMP President

2013 LSW All State Choir Members

I’d like to congratulate 6 choir students for making the All State Choir:

Ashlee Briggs – Soprano
Amanda Brobst – Soprano
Courtney Bingham – Soprano 2nd alternate
Danielle Adair – Alto 2nd alternate
Preston Hereford – Tenor
Seth Harper – Bass 1st alternate

What an honor for these students to be among those selected for All State Choir!

Last Weekend of Marching Band Competition Season

Happy Last week of the competitive season,

Band Banquet, Monday, November 4th, 7:00pm
First, please notice the time change. The banquet will begin at 7pm at Garozzo’s on 291 in Lee’s Summit.
Please click on the link below and RSVP for anybody attending the banquet EXCLUDING the marching band member.
RSVP’s MUST be received no later than 9pm, Tuesday, October 29th.
All tickets are $17. Marching Band members have already been paid for.
You may send payment to school OR pay at the door. Cash or check (made payable to LSW)

Tomorrow, Saturday, October 26th, Odessa Marching Festival
A reminder that all students should be on campus BEFORE 12:40pm. Here is the itinerary once more.

Odessa Marching Invitational

Symphonic Band and Concert Band PLACEMENT auditions, Monday/Tuesday, October 28/29
Here is the audition schedule. All students enrolled in 4th hour are required to take this audition for placement and a grade.

Symphonic Band

Playoff Football Game, Wednesday, November 6th
We will have a playoff game on this night. Call is 5:30pm for all marching band members.

Clifton D. Thurmond

Odessa Marching Festival This week


This Saturday marks the final competition of the year for the Titan Pride marching band. It’s hard to believe the season is almost over!

Loading: We will meet at the school around 11:45am to load the trailers. Once the trailers are loaded, we will head out to Odessa so that we can get there before the band and have everything set up before they arrive. Parent help with loading and unloading the trailers is always appreciated.

Dinner: The final meal of the competition season is always a special occasion. This special meal will feature steak, green beans, loaded mashed potatoes, rolls and cobbler (apple & peach). We would love to have a large gathering to enjoy each others company and enjoy the students last marching band performance of the year! The cost for family members to eat with the band is $7 per meal (band members do not have to pay). If you would like to eat with the band, please email Mary so that we can make sure we have enough food. If you have dietary needs, please also let Mary know so she can ensure everyone has food available.

Thanks and please let me know if you have any questions!

Instrumental Liaison

Choir Concert

Titan Pride Choral Members and Families:

Our fall choral concert is Monday evening, October 14 at 6:00 PM and 7:30 PM in the LSW PAC. In order to accommodate the large number of people who attend our choral events, there are some changes in the way the concert is organized this year. Please see below for specific information on the arrival and performance times for your student.

5:20 PM: Freshman Women’s Choir on stage

5:30 PM: Men’s Choir, Una Voce and Concert Choir in the choir room

6:00 – 7:00 PM: Concert A Performance. Parents, family, friends, and guests of Men’s Choir and Freshman Women’s choir should attend concert A.

6:45 PM: Women’s Choir in choir room

7:00 – 7:20 PM: Clash of the Titans. Debbie Katzfey will present a final “Clash of the Titans” eligibility presentation to those who have not

completed it. EVERY CHOIR MEMBER MUST HAVE THIS COMPLETED next week. If you have already completed this for a Fall sport, you will not need to attend Clash of the Titans.

7:30 – 8:30 PM: Concert B Performance. Parents, family, friends, and guests of Women’s Choir, Concert Choir, and Una Voce should attend concert B.

Additional Information:

Students should arrive to LSW dressed in their assigned performance attire. Performance attire been discussed with the students in class, and can also be found on www.titanmusic.org in the class syllabus. Performances are a graded component of our choir classes.

Thank you in advance for your flexibility with this new format. Our hope is to have more space for families to invite guests, and have a more comfortable atmosphere by allowing more seating. The kids have been working really hard and have a great evening of choral music prepared for you! We are looking forward to seeing you Monday evening!

Amy Krinke
Ryan Sullivan
Terrin Pabst

Latest Titan Pride Update


There is a lot of information to pass on, so please make sure you read this in its entirety.


Wednesday, October 23rd
The band will be playing at the annual Dig for the Cure Volleyball Game, right here at LSW in the Fieldhouse. Students will be receiving a shirt to wear to this event. Families are encouraged to attend. The event raises awareness and funds for Breast Cancer Research, via the Susan B. Komen Foundation. It’s a wonderful event for us to be involved, and I’m excited we’ve been asked again to play. I will have a better idea on time on next week’s update, but wanted to make sure you had this put in your calendars right away to prevent conflicts from arising.

Monday, November 4th
Announcing the date for the Band Banquet. On Monday, November 4th, we will be having our annual end-of-season band banquet at Garozzo’s in Lee’s Summit. More information to follow, but again, I wanted you to get it on your calendars now. This event is for all marching band members and their families.

Football game vs RayPec, call time is 5:30pm (5:15 for seniors)

Tomorrow is Race for the Future on our campus, where hundreds of people will be running a 5K to benefit the students of the LSR7 School District. Our parking lot here will be slammed.
Your ONLY access to the parking lot is the SOUTH entrance. You will need to drop your student off at the back door early enough for them to get their instrument and get to the soccer field THROUGH a crowd of people.
Here is the itinerary again for reference: Bronco Invitational
The Week at a Glance

Band Council Meeting, 7am
Drumline Rehearsal, 2:30pm (this is in place of the Thursday afternoon rehearsal, since we don’t have school that day)

Band Rehearsal, 5:55pm
All students should be dressed in their marching band shoes and rehearsal shirt (navy).

Football Game vs Truman, call time is 5:30pm (5:15 for seniors), dressed in marching band shoes, black socks, and black uniform shirt.
This is also Senior Night, where the seniors from band, football, and all spirit squads are recognized for their commitment to the programs. Parents should receive information concerning this via mail this coming week.

Saturday, 10/19
UCM Festival of Champions
Please review the attached itinerary for this festival. It will be a long day.
I am selling tickets to this event for any family members traveling to Warrensburg for our performances. This ticket will gain you access to all events for the entire day. In addition, part of the ticket price will be given back to the band IF you buy the ticket through me prior to Friday, 10/18 at the ballgame. Tickets are $13 per person (children included). You can send money with your child any day next week or take care of it at the football game next Friday.
Remember, we get 20% of the money back for the band program, so please consider purchasing from us instead of at the gate.

UCM Festival of Champions
Have a great Friday!

Clifton D. Thurmond