Titan Pride Update, Jan. 31st

Titan Pride Family, please read below for updates and reminders of several issues surrounding the band world at LSWHS.

New York Trip
The final payment for the New York trip is DUE TOMORROW, FEBRUARY 1st. By tomorrow, you should have paid the entire $1800 toward the trip. We have a deadline with the travel agency and performance companies that MUST be met, so please make sure to take care of this TOMORROW!
Also, concerning the trip, we have our Pre-Trip Concert scheduled for Sunday, February 24th at 7pm (This is a time change from previous emails). Please make sure at least one parent attends this concert as well, as we will have our Pre-Trip meeting following the concert, where plenty of important information will be handed out and shared.
Please look soon for a copy of the medical release/code of conduct form to come home via email and through your son/daughter. These forms will need to be notarized prior to the February 24th concert.

Woodwind Master Classes begin tomorrow, February 1st at 6:45am. All flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon, and saxophone students are required to attend.

Solo/Ensemble Contest
All students enrolled in percussion class, concert band, or symphonic band are required to take a solo or a small chamber ensemble to District Contest in March/April. With the exception of six students (they know who they are), all have received music for this and should be practicing it regularly outside of the school day. Many of the soloists must have an accompanist to play with them. They should be contacting Mrs. Pabst in the choir office, or Mrs. Files at SLMS for assistance in this. All students will play for Mr. Thurmond/Mr. Harrel before February 22 as a “screening” to decide whether they will compete at District Contest on March 23rd at LSWHS (students competing here are eligible for State Contest) or at Lee’s Summit Contest on April 11th at LSHS (students competing here are NOT eligible for State Contest).

Basketball Pep Band
Just a reminder that the band will be performing at the February 21 and 22. More on that in the coming weeks.

Have a great weekend!

Mr. Thurmond

Titan Pride Update, week of Jan. 14th

Hope you have had a great week and that your weekend is blessed!

Legally Blonde Pit Orchestra
Rehearsal Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 6:40am.
Also, please make sure you have the rehearsals in your calendar that start on Jan 28th, as they are everyday after school and evening.
Here is the schedule one more time:

Legally Blonde Pit Orchestra Schedule

Fall 2013 Drumline
The first audition clinic, which is not required but strongly encouraged, is Thursday, Jan 17th after school until 4:30.
Also on this schedule is drumline camp for this summer. Please make sure this gets in your calendar now to prevent vacation conflicts, etc…..

2013 Drumline Summer Schedule

Percussion Ensemble
Rehearsal on Monday, 3:15 to 4:30. Be ready to rehearse with instrument and music set up by 3:15.

Basketball Band (ALL MEMBERS of the Band program)
We will be performing at two basketball games this Winter. Students will need to arrive at school at 6:15 and will be released after the games.
Thursday, February 21st
Friday, February 22nd

Fall 2013 Marching Band
All students in the 2013 Titan Pride Marching Band need to mark these dates off in their calendar for summer camp.
Monday, July 29 through Tuesday, August 6 (excluding Saturday and Sunday) 8am to 4pm

New York Trip
All students going on the New York Trip must be in attendance at our rehearsal next Monday, January 21st from 10am to 1pm.
Also, your final payment (which means you have paid a total of $1800) is due no later than Friday, February 1st


Mr. Thurmond

Titan Pride

Welcome Back!

Just a reminder that the dates on these schedules are happening now, so please make sure you open them again and get them on your calendar.

TOMORROW, ALL Brass players are to report to the band room at 6:45AM sharp!

Thanks so much for all you do for our program.

Clifton D. Thurmond

Titan Pride Update Holiday Edition

Happy Last-Week-of-School!

Mr. Harrel and I are very proud of the performances by Titan Jazz, the Percussion Ensemble, Concert Band, and Symphonic Band last Tuesday night. What a great way to kick of the holiday season! We hope the parents enjoyed our selections and performances of them. Look forward to more and better music in the spring.

Speaking of next semester, there are some NEW events to add to your calendar. Please make sure you read below in the categories that apply to your child.

Attached is a schedule of required rehearsals for the spring percussion “orchestra”. This group will perform at large group contest in March.

Percussion Ensemble Schedule

Attached is a schedule of required master classes. All of them will take place before school.

Brass Class Schedule

Attached is a schedule of required master classes. All of them will take place before school.

Woodwind Class Schedule

Attached is a list of additional dates for rehearsals and concerts that apply only to those students going on the New York trip. These rehearsals and concert are required, please put them in your calendar now to prevent conflicts from taking place, as all three dates are non-school days.

NYC Trip Band Rehearsals

Concert Performance Dates for next semester

  • Sunday, February 24th 6:00pm New York City travelers only
  • Saturday, March 23rd TBD All Students in the band program will be competing at contest as a soloist OR member of a small ensemble (To Be Determined)
  • Wednesday, April 3rd After School Concert Band and Percussion “Orchestra” Contest
  • Thursday, April 4th After School Symphony Orchestra Contest (only those wind/percussion students in Symphony Orchestra)
  • Friday, April 5th After School Symphonic Band Contest
  • Monday, April 29th 7:00pm Cavalcade of Bands 1 (Concert Band and 1st Hour Percussion Ensemble)
  • Tuesday, April 30th 7:00pm Cavalcade of Bands 2 (Titan Jazz and Symphonic Band)

Mr. Harrel and I wish you and your families a happy holiday season and we look forward to working with you in 2013.


Clifton D. Thurmond

LSW Una Voce was 1 of 8 high school choirs to advance in a radio competition with a $5000 cash prize. Here is how it works:

Tomorrow, Tuesday, Dec. 4th, 99.7 will broadcast our recording at 7:10 a.m. There will be a 10 minute window after we air to text our support for LSW choir (7:10-7:20 a.m.) The phone number is: 47183 the code you must enter is TITANS.

99.7 the point will broadcast LSW again at 1:15 p.m. and 5:15 p.m . Again with a 10 minute text window. We need a huge text turnout to win this first leg of the competition. You can also tweet @997thepoint or like on 99.7 the point’s facebook page.

If we advance to the next level, we’ll go through another round of texting, etc.

WE NEED A HUGE, LOUD SHOW OF SUPPORT via text messaging and Twitter from our entire Titan Family. Thanks for helping out!

Amy L. Krinke

All State Band Honorees

On Saturday, over 2000 students auditioned to be a member of the 2012 All-State Band. The band is comprised of just over 100 musicians and will perform at the Missouri Music Educators Convention in January.
It was a historic year for the LSWHS band program as it’s highest number of students were selected since we opened the school. Please congratulate the following for being selected:

Courtney Bingham, oboe (alternate)
Joelle Beusterien, 18th chair clarinet
Allyssa DeJarnette, 23rd chair clarinet
Josiah Bardy, 4th chair alto saxophone
Kayla Shaeffer, baritone saxophone (alternate)
Sawyer Harmon, 5th chair tuba
Dan Ratigan, 4th chair snare drum option
Dan Ratigan, 2nd chair timpani option

The following student was selected to the 2012 Missouri All State Jazz Band, which is comprised of the best 20 jazz musicians in the state. They, too, will perform at MMEA in January.

Isaiah Carter, 1st drum set

Also, two students were named Honorable Mention to the All State Jazz Band

Quinn Mosier, piano
Isaiah Carter, vibraphone

Congratulations to All!

Clifton D. Thurmond