Dinner and Divas

Lee’s Summit West Women’s Choir will be Holiday Caroling on the Country Club Plaza this Sunday, December 2. The caroling will take place in the Valencia Courtyard (near Banana Republic) at 3:00 and Neptune Courtyard (near Houston’s Restaurant) at 4:30. This is an informal event and parents and family members are more than welcome to come and listen. LSSD will provide transportation to and from the plaza. If your daughter needs to ride home with a parent, a district transportation release form must be completed by this Friday. Please contact: amy.krinke@leesummit.k12.mo.us with questions. See attached Information Sheet

Dinner and Divas

December Fundraisers

The City Card Sampler fundraiser has been extended till DEC 5. Again the kids make $6 off each card sold.

Another fundraiser is our Java Junior Coffee Sales. Forms will be going home today and they are also available on Charms. The coffee is sold for $12.50 and the kids get a profit of $4 per bag. Great Christmas gifts. This also ends DEC 5. Orders will be in before Christmas break.


Any questions please feel free to contact Andrea Kaiser

Titan Pride Update

Greetings! I hope your week goes well. The kids have been working very hard, so I’ve decided to give them ALL of Wednesday off. Have a great day, kids!

Some information for your reading:

Friday, November 30th
Band Banquet – Dinner served starting at 5:30pm. We are asking that all attendees follow a business-casual dress style for the event. More information to come out from Bret Fischer later in the week regarding cost, etc…

Saturday, December 1st
All-State Band and Jazz Band auditions. Columbia, MO at Hickman High School. We will not be providing transportation to this event, so parents and students will need to drive to Columbia. Times will be available next week. Participating students should be bringing $10 cash OR a check made payable to LSWHS for the audition fee. They are also bringing home a travel release form for the event. Please sign and return as soon as possible.

Tuesday, December 11th
Winter Concert, 6:30pm, LSWHS PAC, Symphonic Band, Percussion Ensemble, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Symphony Orchestra, Concert Orchestra
Females: Please make sure your dress has been altered properly before this date.
Males: Please make sure you have purchased your TUXEDO shirt and bow tie before this date. Boys SHOULD have possession of their tuxedo coat/pants/cumberbund at this point.
Call times will be announced at a later date.

Have a Blessed and Relaxing Thanksgiving.

Mr. Thurmond

Concert Choir Info for Tomorrow

Dear Concert Chorale and Titan Harmony families,

I just wanted to make sure all of you have seen the information regarding Sunday’s performance at Visitation.  In case you have not, I have attached it to this e-mail.

I would encourage all of you to attend and support your student.  Visitation is one of the finest acoustic venues for choral singing in Kansas City, and we have specifically selected music to be sung in this space.   The concert heavily features the Concert Chorale.  The kids are singing very well, and it is going to be a stunning concert.

This is a free event.  We will collect a small donation at the conclusion of the concert, to offset the cost to provide this opportunity to our students.

Please e-mail me if you have any questions.  See you Sunday!

Vistiation Concert Info

Mrs. Krinke

Titan Pride Update for Nov. 6th

Well…..the weather prevented us from performing last night, but fortunately, the team once again destroyed its competition, giving us another opportunity to showcase Aerodynamics.

THIS SATURDAY, we will have a home game starting at 1:30pm (earlier than I stated in my last email to you).
Students will need to report to get dressed at 12:15pm.
Weather permitting, we will perform our halftime show as was planned last evening.
This will be the last HOME game of the season, as the semifinal game will either be at Staley HS or Fort Osage HS. Therefore, please come cheer on the Titan Pride in their final home performance of the season.

Another note about the Band Banquet
The banquet, as previously stated, will be on Friday, November 30th.
The dinner line will start serving at 5:30pm with the “program” beginning shortly after 6pm.

Have a great day!

Mr. Thurmond

All-District Orchestra

The following students made the KC Metro #3 All-District Orchestra. Congrats!

Full Orchestra

First Violin
Allison Tsay (10) – Chair 1
Emily Swaters (9) – Chair 18

Second Violin
Lauren Gaunt (12) – Chair 1
Mia Cousin (12) – Chair 13
Katie Valentine (11) – Chair 15

Kathryn Hilger (11) – Chair 4
Kaitlyn York (12) – Chair 5
Olivia Chapman (11) – Chair 6
Travis Taylor (10) – Chair 15

Ethan Payne (10) – Chair 10

Quinn Mosier (10) – Chair 4
Charles Pagan (12) – Chair 5

String Orchestra

First Violin
Scotty Smith (11) – Chair 3
Sydney Loethen (12) – Chair 6
Marli Griffith (9) – Chair 11

Second Violin
Sierra Hegarty (10) – Chair 2
Rylie Buehrig (12) – Chair 7
Alli Lawson (11) – Chair11

Trevor Glauz (12) – Chair 4
Madeline Hanley (11) – Chair 5

2012 All District Band/Jazz Band

KC Metro All-District Band
Shayla Brown, 1st Alternate flute
Courtney Bingham, 2nd chair oboe
Courtney Bingham, 1st Alternate english horn
Joelle Beusterien, 1st chair clarinet
Allyssa DeJarnette, 7th chair clarinet
Abby Kaiser, 17th chair clarinet
Josiah Bardy, 2nd chair alto saxophone
Kayla Shaeffer, 2nd Alternate bari saxophone
Grant Fischer, 2nd Alternate French horn
Sawyer Harmon, 2nd chair tuba
Parker Sheridan, 2nd Alternate snare drum
Dan Ratigan, 1st Alternate snare drum
Dan Ratigan, 1st chair timpani

KC Metro All-District Jazz Band
Quinn Mosier, 1st piano, Gold Band
Isaiah Carter, 1st vibraphone, Gold Band
Josiah Bardy, 1st alto saxophone, Blue Band
Isaiah Carter, 1st drum set, Blue Band

KC Metro All-District Honorable Mention Band
Shayla Brown, 1st chair flute
Maddison Krause, 8th chair flute
Kayla Shaeffer, 2nd chair bari saxophone
Grant Fischer, 2nd chair French horn
Kenny Mott, 8th chair trombone
Parker Sheridan, 1st chair snare drum

City Card Fundraiser


I have more cards if your students have orders that need to be filled or would like to sale.

I will be at the school in a practice room tomorrow, Monday Nov. 5 from 1:30 to 2:45.

Then again from 5:00 till about 6:15.

I will also be at the school Wednesday , Nov. 7 from 9:45 till around 12:30.

Remember that the kids make a 60% profit off of every card they sell.

If these times do not work for you or your student please contact me And we can work something out.

Thank you,

Andrea Kaiser