Fundraising Update

The cookie Dough will be here THURSDAY, OCT 4.

Pick up times are RIGHT AFTER SCHOOL UNTILL 4:30. If you are unable to pick up your cookie dough at this time please see if someone else may pick it up for you. If not, please contact me and we can work something out.


Orders are also do THURSDAY, OCT 4. Please turn in order forms in an envelope with the students name and TRAHS BAGS. Please turn it into the lock boxes in the band and choir.

Trash Bag Fundraiser Extended

The trash bag fundraiser will be extended until Oct.4.


The delivery date will stay the same. It will be delivered on Oct 11. I have to have totals in by Oct 7.

All teachers have order forms or you can go on Charms > forms > student accounts and fundraisers…

Latest Band Info

Hello again and happy Friday! We are excited that tonight we will be performing our field show during the postgame, should be around 9:15 or so. Please make sure the kids are at school no later than 5:45pm getting into uniform and that they have black socks, black shoes, and their black Titan Pride shirt.

Auditions went very well on Tuesday and most of the kids represented themselves well in their audition for a local professional judge. Results have been posted outside the band room door. Concert Band and Symphonic Band will begin rehearsals on Monday, October 22nd, so please make sure their concert instrument (if different from their marching instrument) is in good playing shape by that time, all necessary equipment to play that instrument is in place, and that the instrument makes it to school that day.

Tuesday, October 2nd
Marching Rehearsal, 5:55pm to 9pm
Students will need to be in their show shirts and black socks/marching shoes for this rehearsal

Friday, October 5th
All students planning to audition for All-District Band MUST have a recording of ALL major and minor scales turned in or emailed to me. This includes all scales in the audition packet and played in the format in which they are written in the packet
After school, all students available should plan to stay and load the trucks for Saturday’s competition

Saturday, October 6th
Attached you will find the detailed itinerary for the Park Hill Festival. Please make sure students prepare for a long day, as it will be. Generally students will bring some homework to do in the down time, as well as clothing for all weather, as you know Missouri weather changes so often.
Other suggested items might include:
a second pair of shoes to wear when we aren’t marching
a second shirt for after the show when the shirt underneath the uniform will be quite sweaty, hat, sunglasses, sunscreen as we will be in the sun ALL day
additional snacks, although we will feed them around noon AND 4pm

Playoff Football
It is very possible that we will play at home for all playoff football games, as long as the team keeps playing. Therefore, I wanted to notify you of four additional possible home games in the month of November. We will perform at each of these, however, Tuesday evening rehearsals will NOT continue past October 16th.
These dates are:
Wednesday, October 31st
Monday, November 5th
Saturday, November 10th (afternoon game)
Friday, November 16th
Friday, November 23rd (if the team makes it to the state championship game, this is in St Louis)

Thank you and have a great weekend!

Fundraising Reminders

1. Trash Bags fundraiser ends OCT.1. I need all orders turned in ASAP because I have to have orders in by Oct 4.

2. Oct. 4 is when the cookies dough is suppose to be delivered. Not sure on times just yet but thinking 2:20 – 6:00.

3. Trash bags will be delivered Oct. 11.

4. If you ordered any Titan jewelry from me on Ice Cream social, It is ready. Let me know and I can get is to you.

Homecoming Week Reminders

Thursday – Homecoming Parade
Students should wear blue jeans and Aerodynamics shirt to school tomorrow, as that is our uniform in the parade. Also, no sandals or shoes without a heel are permitted.
Students will be dismissed from class at 2pm so we can load the bus and be transported to downtown LS.
Parade begins at 3:30pm
Students can be picked up back at LSW around 4:30

Friday – Homecoming Game
Students should arrive at school for a 5:45 call and be dressed in running shorts (or something similar) and their black Titan Pride shirt.
Game begins at 7pm
We will NOT perform at halftime, instead, our show will be performed AFTER the game. Please stick around and provide an audience.

Titan Pride Update This Week

This is a copy of the weekly update sent by Mr. Thurmond.

I hope these emails serve as helpful in the planning of your week as well as keeping up on the logistical goings-on within the program.

Tuesday, September 25th
Auditions after school from 3pm to 5pm.  Times have been assigned and are posted on the wall outside the band room as well as on
These auditions are REQUIRED for each member of the band enrolled in 4th hour.
Professional recordings of the audition music are also posted on to serve as a tool in preparation for the audition.
Rehearsal 5:55pm to 9pm

Thursday, September 27th
Homecoming parade.  Students will come to the band room after school.  We will board a bus and be transported to downtown Lee’s Summit for a 3:30 parade.  Students should be picked up by 4:30pm at LSWHS.

Friday, September 28th
Homecoming Football game.  We will perform our show after the game.  We will also be on the field at halftime for king/queen festivities.  Students are to report the band room by 5:45pm.

Have a great week.

Audition Examples

Below you will find the audition excerpts. Please listen to these professionals playing them and match the style, tone, articulation, phrasing, etc…

G Melodic Minor_alto
F Major_alto
Pg 211 22_bari
Pg 44 88_bari
pg 42 79_tenor
D Major Scale_tenor
G Melodic Minor_tenor
Pg 5_bari
Page 9_tenor
P 29 A Major_tenor
Bb Major_alto

Oboe G Minor
Oboe Etude 2
Oboe Etude 1
Oboe Db Major


LSW Trumpet AuditionExcerpts



Clarinet_scales and thirds
Clarinet_Rose 21
Clarinet_Rose 20 Slow then fast
Bass Clarinet Scales
articulation study p. 24
p.14 #5
P. 36 bass cl #5

Bassoon F Major
Bassoon Etude 3
Bassoon Etude 2
Bassoon Etude 1
Bassoon E Minor

Titan Pride Update for 11-14

The Titan Pride did a GREAT job last Friday in our first marching performance.  We are very proud of the progress we are making, and looking forward to the upcoming parts of our season.  Here is some update information for you:

Monday, September 17
Drumline Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30pm
Trash Bag Fundraiser begins – more information to come home with your child on Monday
Tuxedo sizing session at school 6:00-7:30pm

Tuesday, September 18
Marching Band Rehearsal, 5:55pm – 9:00pm

Starting Monday, students will be able to sell trash bags of all shapes, colors, and sizes for a 40% profit.  The money they fundraise will go into their individual fundraising account for the NYC trip, future trips, or other required equipment, etc…

Audtions are taking place on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th, from 3pm to 5pm. Students will be assigned a 6-minute time slot to play in front of a judge to decide who will be in Concert Band and who will be in Symphonic Band.  This audition is  REQUIRED and is for a grade as well.  Students who have a school-related conflict, or need a specific audition time, must submit this information to Mr. Thurmond no later than Wednesday, 4th hour.  I will then post audition times on Thursday, the 20th.

Have a great weekend.
Mr. Thurmond