LSWMP Ice Cream Social

Good evening,

This past Thursday and Friday I spent the day at the high school handing out a packet that included five meal tickets, five dessert tickets and a letter explaining the ice cream social. I’m going to attach the letter as well as instructions on how to access CHARMS (it will be one document).

If you haven’t received the tickets from your students please ask them. There will also be more tickets available from each of the music teachers. It’s important that money/checks or unused tickets are turned back in so that we can plan accordingly for food.

Volunteers are needed for this event as we serve roughly 1300 meals and desserts at this event. We need any help that you can give. Our volunteer coordinator will be sending information on how to signup. She’ll likely wait until after this next weekend, CHARMS is doing a server upgrade shortly.

If you’d like to donate or know of a business that would like to donate an item(s) for the live auction please let me know. We currently have one parent that will be donating three snare cajons, which will be demonstrated at the ice cream social.

Food will start being served at 5pm with performances starting at 6pm. Performance schedule to be announced shortly.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Go Titans!!

Brent Grigsby – LSWMP President

Ice Cream Social Letter and CHARMS.doc

Link to All Orchestra Music for this school year

Hello Students and Parents:

I am going to be uploading all songs we play to a Google Drive link. Each student receives 1 copy of each piece we play from me, however, 10% of our students ALWAYS seem to lose their music – causing me much pain and anguish.

This year. If you lose your music or would like to load all of your music on an ipad etc. you can access it at: LSWHS Orchestra Music 2014-15

You will need to be signed in to your LSR7 account to access the music.

This link will be permanently available at

Currently, you will see a patriotic song in the folder that all orchestras will be performing with band and choir at the ice cream social.

Thank you.

Mr. Mosier

MSHSAA State Festival Participants – information on POSTING OF RATINGS

We are looking forward to seeing everyone perform tomorrow. A change this year: RATINGS will no longer be posted outside of the Fine Arts Building. Instead, you will need to download a Free QR Reader App onto your phone. See below information from MSHSAA for more details.

In an effort to be more environmentally friendly and provide quicker feedback on ratings we will not be printing off the ratings and hanging on the windows of the Fine Arts Building. Instead we will create a barcode that you can scan that will take you directly to the published scores on the Festival Manager website. We will plan to publish and update ratings every hour. The time it takes to print off all the rooms, sort, tape pages together and hang the results will be eliminated. This should greatly increase the turnaround time in posting results and hopefully save a few trees!

The barcode and instructions will be placed on the window of the Fine Arts building and other buildings used for the festival. Each day will have a different barcode to scan. In order to access this information you will need to make sure you download a FREE QR Reader app on your smart phone. This app will work for all smartphones.


Lee's Summit Contest Schedule! TOMORROW

Sorry this coming so late, but the contest organizer just sent it to us late Saturday night. There are MANY band members on this schedule. Students should arrive at LSHS in the PAC area no later than 15 minutes before performance time. Also, they SHOULD be dressed up for this event.

This is for ALL members of Percussion Class, MOST members of Concert Band, and SOME members of Symphonic Band.

You son/daughter has known about this for three months, and has hopefully been preparing outside of school as well. Each performer will earn a rating. All students who earn a "1" or "2" rating will be eligible for a music letter (given they have fulfilled the other requirements). It is also a part of their grade in band, as it is a requirement for all.

Hope to see you there!

Clifton D. Thurmond
Director of Bands, Lee’s Summit West High School

Lee’s Summit Contest Schedule 2014.xlsx