New Fundraiser

We have another great fundraiser available for students.

We are partnering with City Sampler to sell coupon cards for Sheridan’s Frozen Yogurt and Papa Murphy’s Pizza. Cards sell for $10 each and students will make a $6 profit from each card sold. These cards are a great value. The Sheridan’s card offers savings of $60 and the Papa Murphy’s card has a value of $94. The cards are valid in Lee’s Summit store locations.

Students will sign out cards and will be responsible for any cards that they sign out. They will need to turn in $10 for each card sold or return any unsold cards by November 12 (in two weeks). The value of any unaccounted for cards will be turned into the office and a fine will be assessed to the student. All fines will need to be paid before the student can enroll for classes next year.

I will be at school on Monday, October 29, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. in a practice room to sign out cards to students.

Remember, all fundraisers are voluntary; students can choose which fundraisers in which they wish to participate.

Thank you for your continued support of the great kids in the music department.

Andrea Kaiser
LSW Music Fundraiser Liaison

From Mr. Mosier

Hello All Orchestra Parents and Students:

I want to express how proud of all of our students I was at last evening’s concert. This concert was earlier in the year than our past fall concerts have been and the students shined!

Concert Orchestra
I was very pleased with the tempos in general. We had real trouble in class with some of our tempi and for the most part, they really held it together and played well. The cello section did a great job in the Pirates of Caribbean.

Symphony Orchestra
I was impressed with their ability to stay focused on such a volume of music and play well all the way to the end of the concert. I thought OCTOBER was especially beautiful. Our tempos also were very good for the concert setting.

In closing, it is an honor to get to teach such wonderful students. Each morning I get up, I am thankful that I am driving to a job that doesn’t feel like a “job” at all!

Kirt Mosier

Orchestra Concert


The Concert and Symphony Orchestras kicked the school year off with an outstanding performance at the Ice Cream Social and now we have the opportunity to hear them play in the Performing Arts Center. The concert is scheduled for Tuesday evening beginning at 7pm.

Call time for the Concert Orchestra is set for 6pm and call time for the Symphony Orchestra is set for 6:55pm. Orchestra students should report on time in concert dress ready to deliver an amazing performance.

I hope to see everyone at the concert!

Bret Fischer

Park Hill Festival


We are at the start of a busy October, beginning with the Park Hill Marching Festival this Saturday, October 6th. Parent volunteers are needed to make this a success!

  • 1 volunteer is needed Friday from 2:30pm to 4pm to help pick up a 26′ Penske truck and take it to LSW to be loaded. We will pick the rental trucks up in Lee’s Summit on 50 Highway near 291.

Several volunteers are needed Saturday to set up tents, serve food to the band and help with equipment. We will meet at the school at 8:45am and caravan to Park Hill. Everything needs to be set and ready to serve food to the percussion at 11am.

1 volunteer is needed to drive a Penske truck to the competition and back to the school at the end of the day. We wil l meet at the school at 8:45am, returning around 6:30pm.

Please let me know by Wednesday if you will be able to help. All parents (and families) are invited, welcomed and encouraged to come to the event and show support for the band. I hope to see you Saturday!

Bret Fischer
Band Liaison

Cookie Dough

Andrea Kaiser will be at the school on Thursday, October 4th, from 1:00pm to 4:30pm to handout the cookie dough to students/parents. 

She needs assistance with organizing and distributing the cookie dough:

  • 1:00pm to 3:00pm – 5 volunteers are needed
  • 3:00pm to 4:30pm – 2 volunteers are needed

Please sign up in Charms to assist Andrea.

Fundraising Update

The cookie Dough will be here THURSDAY, OCT 4.

Pick up times are RIGHT AFTER SCHOOL UNTILL 4:30. If you are unable to pick up your cookie dough at this time please see if someone else may pick it up for you. If not, please contact me and we can work something out.


Orders are also do THURSDAY, OCT 4. Please turn in order forms in an envelope with the students name and TRAHS BAGS. Please turn it into the lock boxes in the band and choir.

Fundraising Reminders

1. Trash Bags fundraiser ends OCT.1. I need all orders turned in ASAP because I have to have orders in by Oct 4.

2. Oct. 4 is when the cookies dough is suppose to be delivered. Not sure on times just yet but thinking 2:20 – 6:00.

3. Trash bags will be delivered Oct. 11.

4. If you ordered any Titan jewelry from me on Ice Cream social, It is ready. Let me know and I can get is to you.

Info: All-District Band and Orchestra Auditions


Thank you to everyone who volunteered or supplied a cake for the ice cream social. All of the groups did an outstanding job and have really made great progress in a short amount of time!

Please make sure to put the All-District Band and Orchestra auditions on your calendar. The auditions will be held at Staley High School this year on Saturday, November 3rd. The cost to audition is $10, which is due by October 12th. If your student is interested in earning a music letter, it is required to audition for the All-District Band (making the band is not required to letter). You can go to for information regarding the audition.


Bret Fischer
Instrumental Liaison

Tuxedo Fittings

All male orchestra and band students must see Yvonne Bechtold to be fitted for tuxedo pants. The following times are available for fittings in the band/orchestra room: 

  • Thursday, September 13 from 6pm to 9pm
  • Monday, September 17 from 6pm to 7:30pm
  • Tuesday, September 18 during 4th hour (10:15am to 11:15am) or 5th hour (11:15am to 12:30pm)
  • Tuesday, September 18 from 6pm to 9pm