Volunteers Needed

District music contest will be here in 2 short weeks and there are still a number of volunteer positions to be filled. There are 9 open spots on Friday, March 6th and about 30 open spots on Saturday, March 7th.

The kids probably will not receive their performance times until next week. If you happen to volunteer during the time your child performs, I will arrange the schedule so that you can still hear them perform. I compare the performance times for each child to the times that the parents have volunteered. If there is a conflict, then I will either assign you to your child’s room or arrange for you to switch with another parent when it is time for them to perform.

Student volunteers will also be needed on Friday and Saturday. Student sign-up sheets will be posted outside the choir room later this week. Also, we still need individuals to volunteer to assist with the Taste of Lee’s Summit on the evening of Saturday, March 7th. Please sign up in Charms if you are able to assist with this wonderful event that raises so much money for the school district and music program.

Charms instructions:
Go to www.charmsoffice.com
Select Enter in the upper right-hand corner and then select Parents/Students/Members
Enter school code: lswhsmusic
Click on the Public Calendar icon
Go to the day that you wish to volunteer and click on the hand
Enter your name and contact information for the shift you have selected
To navigate to another day, go to the blue “Volunteer Opportunities” box and click the down arrow and select another day.

Thank you for supporting the LSW music program! Please email me if you have any questions.

Nancy Shaeffer
Volunteer Coordinator

Music Festivals @ LSW – Volunteers Needed


The music festival is quickly approaching, and we need your help to ensure its success. Lee’s Summit West has done a great job hosting this event in the past, and we are looking forward to hosting it again. For those of you that are new to the program, the festival is six days filled with music where students have the opportunity to showcase their considerable talents. (See the attached document for more details describing the festival and volunteer descriptions.)

Festival dates are:

  • Friday, March 6th (vocal solos/ensembles)
  • Saturday, March 7th (instrumental solos/ensembles)
  • Wednesday, April 8th (2nd bands)
  • Thursday, April 9th (orchestras)
  • Friday, April 10th (1st bands)
  • Saturday, April 11th (choirs)

We cannot host the festival without many volunteers. Over the six days we will need about 350 volunteers. We are asking each family to volunteer for at least two shifts. It is a great way to help the music department, support your child, and get to know some other great music parents.

An added bonus is that you will hear some very talented students and groups. And no musical talent is required for any of the volunteer opportunities!

The festival also provides a number of jobs where students can assist; it’s a great way to fulfill their volunteer hours!

Student volunteer sign-ups will be posted on the choir room doors shortly.

Check out the calendar on Charms and volunteer to assist with this great event.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your support!
Nancy Shaeffer
Volunteer Coordinator

Charms instructions:

Go to www.charmsoffice.com
Select Enter in the upper right-hand corner and then select
Enter school code: lswhsmusic
Click on the Public Calendar icon

Go to the day that you wish to volunteer and click on the hand

Festival Information.pdf

Washington DC Trip EXTRA REHEARSALS and other information

Hello Washington DC Trip Participants:

Happy New Year! It is time to put the trip into gear and the staff at LSWHS is VERY excited about this trip.

We will be having 3 Extra Evening Practices to prepare for the trip.

Please take note of these dates and times listed below:
January 20th (Tuesday): 6:30-8:30pm Band and Orchestra Only

February 18th (Wednesday): 6:30-7:30pm, Choir – 7:45-8:45pm, Band and Orchestra

March 3rd (Tuesday): 6:30-7:45pm, Band and Orchestra – 8:00-9:00pm Choir

We will have our Pre DC Trip Performance on: March 10th (Tuesday) at 7:00pm

We still have 28 students who did not turn in their medical forms. Please do so immediately.

Don’t forget the dates of the trip:

Leaving – Thursday, March 12 at 4pm. Returning – Wednesday, March 18 at 10am.

Titan Harmony Rehearsal/Concert/Party


-Here comes the concert! Due to dress rehearsals for ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ tomorrow evening, rehearsal will only run from 6:00pm – 7:00pm to allow for students to attend the entire rehearsal.

-Call time for the concert next Monday is 4:30pm. It is early so we can walk through logistics on the stage and run some music in the auditorium before the concert. We cannot do it this Thursday because the stage is in use for the play. Titan Harmony will be singing on both concerts, 6:00 and 7:30.

-Finally, the Titan Harmony party will be held at Baylie Anderson’s house on Dec. 18th. I will hand out a sheet tomorrow night with information on the evening.

Let me know if you have any further questions, I’m excited to see you all next week!

Thank you,

Jacob Lowry

All State Orchestra Honors

Please help me congratulate the following in being selected to the Missouri All-State Orchestra:

Quinn Mosier – Bass
Travis Taylor – Viola (2nd alternate)

All State Band Honors

This just in, three of our own Titan Pride received honors at the Missouri All-State Band auditions today!

Congratulations to Kayla Shaeffer for getting FIRST CHAIR baritone saxophone! Congratulations to Sawyer Harmon for getting first alternate tuba! Congratulations to Kevin McMilian for getting honorable mention for jazz vibes!

Nice job today by all participants, directors are so proud of you!

Orchestra Concert Information for Monday, Dec. 8

Hello Orchestral Students and Parents:

Monday Evening’s Concert times are as follows:

Concert 1 – Philharmonic and Concert Orchestras. – Call Time is 5:45, Concert Begins at 6pm

Concert 2 – Symphony – Call time is 7pm. Concert begins at 7:30pm.

Symphony students can bring a change of clothes and leave their uniforms here for Tuesday’s performance during the school day.

Thank You,

Kirt Mosier