Titan Pride Update, End of Marching Season edition

Well……we’ve almost made it. The kids did a marvelous job at Odessa last week and came home on cloud nine. This week we are hungrier than ever and excited to end our season with a bang.

Saturday – small change of plans
Due to some scheduling conflicts with some students, we will be unable to participate in the Indoor Percussion Competition this weekend, so the itinerary has changed to reflect ALL band members arriving at school around 8:45am to be ready in the stadium for a 9am rehearsal.
Here is the updated itinerary:

RSVP for the Banquet
The banquet is rapidly approaching and we need to turn in numbers to the caterer. Please RSVP for the banquet THIS weekend.
It is Monday, November 3rd beginning at 6:30pm at the Bordner (more details to follow next week)
Seniors!!!!! Please send a baby picture and a recent photo to Michelle Krause ASAP for the slide show
Please click on this link to RSVP for the banquet:
Band Banquet RSVP

Band Fees
There are still 20 students with outstanding balances for their band fees. Last week I sent home an invoice in an attempt to wrap this up by yesterday (Wednesday). Please take care of this ASAP so that we may close the books on this marching season.

Concert Season
Begins MONDAY! Have your concert instrument in good shape and ready to play Monday during class. All students should come ready with their instrument (and all necessary supplies) and a PENCIL for every rehearsal.

Symphonic Band Chair Test
All members of the Symphonic Band will be taking a seating test the week of November 3rd. The music for the test is hanging on the windows in front of the Ensemble Room. Please prepare for this test.

Concert Band Chair Test
All members of the Concert Band (3rd Hour) will be taking a seating test the week of November 3rd. The music for the test will be handed out next week. Please prepare for this test.

Percussion Class
Beginning Monday, it is expected that all percussionists in 2nd Hour will have the following in class every day: complete stick/mallet bag, black music binder, and stick pad

All District Band
Participants auditioning for All District Band will have a "screening" audition with Mr. Thurmond or Mr. Harrel during the week of November 3rd that they must pass in order to continue on to the actual audition.
The auditions themselves will take place on Saturday, November 8th at Liberty High School. Times are different for each student and will be posted sometime next week.
Transportation to the auditions is NOT provided, therefore, parents will need to transport their student to/from the audition. If a student needs to drive him/herself (students cannot ride with other students), there will need to be administrative approval through the office.

Concert Uniforms
All females at this time should have their uniform skirt and blouse. If alterations are needed, please see to it that this occurs before our winter concert
All males at this time should have taken home a tuxedo coat, pants, and cummerbund. Boys will need to purchase their own tuxedo shirt and bow tie at a local department store or online. Please make sure this is done before our winter concert.

Winter Concert
Our Winter Band Concert will be on Monday, December 8th in the PAC at LSWHS. Attendance and participation in this concert is required, please block out this date on your calendar at this time to prevent conflicts.
6pm Concert – Concert Band and Percussion Ensemble
7:30pm Concert – Symphonic Band and Titan Jazz Band

Jazz Band
Titan Jazz Band will begin on Tuesday, November 11. Rehearsals will be every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30-3:15.
For the first session (winter concert), anyone interested in participating in jazz band is welcome.
In January, there will be an audition for the contest jazz band. This select band will compete throughout the spring at several area jazz festivals.
For more information, please contact the Titan Jazz director, Shawn Harrel, at shawn.harrel@leesummit.k12.mo.us

Clifton D. Thurmond

UCM Festival of Champions.doc

October news and notes

Good afternoon,

There has been a lot going on which has led to this being a later than expected email, although much shorter than normal. Let me first start by congratulating all of our All-District choir members (we had the most of any school in the disctrict):

  • Ashlee Briggs
  • Amanda Brobst
  • Emily Coffin
  • Clayre Parson
  • Maddie Sahudin
  • Gianna VanPelt
  • Danielle Adair
  • Autumn Black
  • Emma Carr
  • Marli Griffith
  • EmmaRae King
  • Kate Mosier
  • Hannah Ratigan
  • Maya Strickland
  • Scott Ferguson
  • Easton Morrill
  • Travis Taylor
  • Seth Harper
  • Nathan May
  • Justin McKinney
  • Braden Oldham
  • Davis Perry
  • Kimberly Hodson (Women’s Honor Choir)

All –State audition for these students is this Saturday, good luck!!

Marching Band:

Thank you to all of the parent volunteers that have made it possible for our students to wear their brand new AWESOME marching band uniforms. In addition to the new uniforms we’ve been modifying the trailers with lights and shelving. The Marching Band cleaned up this past week in Odessa — congrats to them!! Next up is the UCM competition and then a banquet.

Upcoming dates:

  • October 25 — All-State Choir Auditions
  • October 25 — UCM Festival of Champions (Marching Band)
  • November 6 — LSWMP Meeting
  • November 8 – All District Auditions (instrumental)
  • November 23 – SLMS and LSW Church Concert

Go Titans!

Brent Grigsby
LSWMP President

2015 Fountain City Youth Brass Academy Auditions

This is a great opportunity for a performing experience for brass players outside of the school environment. If you’re interested and have further questions, see Mr. Harrel or Mr. Thurmond.

Fountain City Brass Band, Inc. is proud to announce auditions for the 2015 Fountain City Youth Brass Academy. The FCYBA is an educational outreach program of the Fountain City Brass Band and provides students of all abilities (ages 21 and under) an extraordinary opportunity for musical growth and development, in a fun and inclusive environment, under the tutelage of the accomplished FCBB Educational Team. In addition to the live auditions which take place on October 25 & 26, this year student may submit auditions electronically. For more information on the bands of the FCYBA and audition requirements please click here.
OCTOBER 24THRegistration Deadline



Marching Band Parents – UCM

Marching Band Parents,

We hope to see you at the UCM Festival of Champions on Saturday, October 25th. The drumline and guard will be leaving a couple of hours before the rest of the band. That means our parent helpers will be divided between UCM and LSW. Please consider helping out Saturday if you have time. The biggest need for help will be loading the band trailer at LSW around 10:00 AM. They will load at the field. If you plan to carpool with the drumline, they will leave around 7:30 AM.

We have attached a campus map to help you get around. The band’s campsite will be in student lot #50. Lot #50 is southwest of James C. Kirkpatrick Library. The library’s address is 601 S. Missouri Street, Warrensburg, MO. The designated spectator parking for the field performance is at the UCM Multipurpose Building (500 S. Washington Street) across the street from the stadium. Hopefully, you can find closer parking to the campsite if you plan to hang out with the band.

Please e-mail Mary Grigsby (marygrigsby at gmail dot com) with a headcount if you plan to eat lunch and dinner with the band (do not include your LSW band student in the count). We are having pizza for lunch and steaks for dinner. The cost is $7 per meal for adults and $5 for middle school age kids and younger. If you have special dietary needs, please give Mary a call at 816-785-5215. Food may be available for “Walk-ins” on Saturday after the band and those that e-mailed Mary have been served.

There is an admission charge to watch the performance from the stands. The charge will be $13 for general admission and $5 for the Drumline/Guard performance only. Children 6 years old and under are free. Printed programs will be available for $3. The tickets are good for the prelims and the finals.

Please harass your kids Saturday morning to make certain that they leave the house with everything they need. We ran out of spare shoes this weekend because so many of the young folks did not bring their shoes. If you have a section leader in your family, you might help them create an equipment checklist for their section (instruments, mouth pieces, reeds, sticks, shoes, shoes, shoes, etc.). If you know of alumni that have old LSW band shoes that are in good shape, we could use some more spares (particularly larger sizes – 11+).

If you have pictures to share for the banquet, please send them to Maddison Krause on a USB drive by Tuesday (10-21) or call Michelle Krause at 816-536-3067. Seniors– Michelle needs your baby picture and your senior or current picture by Friday. You can email them to Michelle at 4krauses@att.net or deliver a copy to Maddison. If you are taking a copy to Maddison please deliver it by Wednesday (no school on Thursday and Friday).

Thank you,

Scott McMilian

LSW at UCM Campus Map.pdf

Titan Pride Update, week of October 20th

Well, it is the final week of the competitive marching season 2014! We want to end on a high note (no pun intended), so please read carefully as next week’s schedule will be very important.

Reminder for tomorrow!

All drumline and colorguard members are to report at 10:45 as the bus will leave at 11am
All brass and percussion members are to report at 11:45 as the bus will leave at 12pm
Note: the drumline indoor performance changed slightly to 1:12pm
Here is the itinerary again for those who need it:

(See attached file: Odessa Marching Invitational.doc)

FYI…..they are not set up to accept anything other than cash for entry to the festival or concessions….come prepared for that

Tuesday, October 21st

Sectionals for Battery only at 6:45am

NO brass or woodwind sectionals this week


In an effort to allow the kids to watch MOST of the Royals game Tuesday night, we are going to alter the rehearsal time.

Rehearsal will begin for ALL marching band members at 5pm. It will end AROUND 7pm. (The kids seemed satisfied, mostly, when I said they MIGHT miss the first pitch)

Friday, October 24th

Possible Playoff Game

The way I understand it:

If we win TONIGHT (10/17), we will host a playoff game next week
If we lose TONIGHT (10/17), we will not host a playoff game next week (we will NOT travel to the game)
If we host, we will treat it like every other game at which we perform……pregame, halftime, etc….
Stay tuned……but be prepared for either scenario

Saturday, October 25th

UCM Festival of Champions

Please read this schedule carefully as there are different call times for different groups of people.

It is a prelims/finals format, so the arrival time back at LSW will be based on whether or not we make finals. We won’t know that until about 5:30pm that day.

(See attached file: UCM Festival of Champions.doc)

Marching Band Banquet

Monday, November 3rd, 6:30pm at The Bordner (3 miles west of Target on 350 Hwy)

A great end-of-season celebration to honor leaders, seniors, award winners, and have a great time together.

ALL family members are invited to attend. We will need to know in advance how much food to order, so please RSVP BEFORE October 28th using the following link:

Band Banquet RSVP

All marching band members are already paid for, but all family members who RSVP will need to pay AT the banquet itself.

SENIORS!!!!!! You need to send a baby picture and current senior picture to Michelle Krause (4krauses@att.net) right away as she is preparing this year’s slide show.

You parents were all amazing last Friday as you sized, fitted, handed out, educated 100 marching band student on our new uniforms and then took care of all of it’s organization as well. We are blessed with your presence. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!

Clifton D. Thurmond

Director of Bands, Lee’s Summit West High School

Odessa Marching Invitational.doc

UCM Festival of Champions.doc

Odessa Update for Parents

Marching Band Parents,

We just received word from the folks in Odessa that they will not be accepting credit or debit cards for concessions or admission. Please take cash if you plan to spend money. We have also changed our loading procedure for Odessa. A small group of parents and kids will load the trailers immediately after school today (noon). Tomorrow morning (Saturday), the trailers will leave before the buses. We hope to see you at the campsite. We would also like to have a few more helpers (Pit Crew) on the field before show time. We are anticipating having to fight the big prop on the real grass field.

Thank you,

Scott McMilian
Marching Band Parents

Choir Concert TONIGHT

Dear Choir Families:

Please read carefully for important details for the Choir Concert on TONIGHT!

Concert Start Time: 6:00 for ALL Choirs. The doors to the PAC will open at 5:30. The Clash of the Titans eligibility meeting will occur at 5:45. Every student enrolled in choir must have this completed by October 17th.

Call Times for Students Tonight:

Freshman Women’s Choir: 4:50 p.m. on the stage in PAC

Men’s Choir: 5:25 p.m. in the Choir Room.

Women’s Choir: 5:25 p.m in the Choir Room.

Concert Choir/Una Voce: 5:25 p.m. in the Choir Room.

Choir Uniforms:

Men’s Choir: See email sent Sept. 12. Each student should have the following items in his possession.

* A blue button down dress shirt (purchased through LSW).

* A black wool blazer and silk tie (rented through LSW).

* Solid black dress slacks (provided by the student)

* A black belt, black socks, and black dress shoes (provided by the student)

Women’s Choir and Freshman Women’s Choir: New members were given their dresses several weeks ago. Alteration information was stapled to their dress on a pink sheet of paper. Women should wear their dress, black stockings/hosiery, and black closed toes dress shoes.

Concert Choir: Robes and Stoles were passed out last week to all Concert Choir members. Underneath the robes, men should wear: black dress slacks, a white collared dress shirt, neck tie, black dress socks, and black dress shoes. Women should wear: black skirt or slacks, black stockings/hosiery, a blouse of their choosing, and black close toed dress shoes.

Per our choir handbook, all concerts are a required component of your student’s grade in choir. The kids have a fantastic evening prepared for you! We can’t wait to share what we’ve been doing this fall. See you tonight!

Amy Krinke, Jacob Lowry, and Terrin Pabst

Odessa Marching Festival

(See attached file: Odessa Marching Invitational.pdf)

Marching Band Parents,

We hope to see you at the Odessa Marching Festival on Saturday, October 18th. The school’s address is 713 S. 3rd Street, Odessa, MO 64076.

We have attached a map of the campus. Spectator parking is in the lot on the north side of the school near 3rd Street and Phillips Street. There will not be room to park with the band. We will not know the exact location for the band’s campsite until we arrive. The campsite will be in the “bus” parking lots west of 5th Street and College Street.

Please e-mail Mary Grigsby (marygrigsby) with a headcount if you plan to eat dinner with the band (do not include your LSW band student in the count). We are having potato soup and chili. The cost is $7 per adult and $5 for middle school age kids and younger. If you have special dietary needs, please contact Mary. Food may be available for “Walk-ins” on Saturday after the band and those that e-mailed Mary have been served.

There is an admission charge to watch the performance from the stands. The charge will be $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for seniors and students (age 6 through 18). Children 5 years old and under are free.

Please take pictures. We need pictures to share during the end of the season banquet. Thank you again for not parking in the driveway near the band doors during loading and unloading. As always, we can use lots of help loading and unloading. We will be loading the majority of the equipment on Friday immediately after school at noon.

Thank you,
Scott McMilian

Odessa Marching Invitational.pdf

Fall Concert Tomorrow

Good Afternoon!

I am in need of just a few volunteers who can help decorate the stage for tomorrow evening’s choir concert.

This shouldn’t take very long, and the school has the decorations, but I’ve injured both my spine and my foot, and I am not getting around very well!

The stage is available to use between 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm, and I am leaning more toward the 1:30 start time if I can gather enough helpers.

If you can help please just reply with your name, cell number, and availability.

Thank you!
Christina Calderon
LSW Music Parents Organization
Choir Liaison