Link to All Orchestra Music for this school year

Hello Students and Parents:

I am going to be uploading all songs we play to a Google Drive link. Each student receives 1 copy of each piece we play from me, however, 10% of our students ALWAYS seem to lose their music – causing me much pain and anguish.

This year. If you lose your music or would like to load all of your music on an ipad etc. you can access it at: LSWHS Orchestra Music 2014-15

You will need to be signed in to your LSR7 account to access the music.

This link will be permanently available at

Currently, you will see a patriotic song in the folder that all orchestras will be performing with band and choir at the ice cream social.

Thank you.

Mr. Mosier

Titan Pride Update, Week of August 18

Greetings and welcome to the 2014-15 school year!

You will be receiving an email like this from me every week (generally on Friday) throughout the marching season to help keep things running smoothly as it pertains to band here at LSW and in your home. Please make sure you read all bullet points as there will be scheduling information, handouts, deadlines, etc……

Wednesday, August 20th
First day of school
All band members will need to have their instrument with them. We will be playing, as well as learning to use our instrument lockers. Since we don’t have band right away, they can drop their instruments off before school in the band room.
Students will also receive information on how to access the online band handbook at, as well as how to sign the online contract. On this contract, there will be an opportunityCompleting this will be due by Friday!

Thursday, August 21st
Evening Rehearsal
5:00pm Drumline rehearsal begins (I know I said this would be on Tuesdays, but when we only have a Thursday rehearsal, it is necessary to do it then)
6:30pm Full band ready to rehearse on the parking lot.
8:30pm Dismissal

Friday, August 22nd
Band Handbook Contract should be completed online by this day
Football Game
Students should be ready to warm up in the PAC by 6pm
All winds and percussion should be wearing khaki shorts and the provided pep band shirt (handed out this thursday). Khaki shorts are a necessity for our first two football games, our first competition, AND all of the basketball games at which we will play. I understand some students may not currently own khaki shorts, but you can probably get some at Kohl’s for a very reasonable price. Again, THIS IS OUR UNIFORM FOR THE FIRST TWO BALL GAMES AND FIRST COMPETITION (as our new band uniforms will not be in until late September).
For parents, the football game starts at 7pm. Many of our parents sit together, so look out for each other upon entering the seating area.
We are generally done, and students are ready to be picked up, by 9:15 or 9:30pm. Please make sure your child is picked up on time.
As a rule, we do not allow the kids to use their cell phones DURING the game, so please be aware. Continue reading “Titan Pride Update, Week of August 18”

Titan Pride Update, End of Camp Version

WOW! What a week. This band has so shown up to work. We have been blessed with great weather and a great opportunity to kick this season off in the right way. Your kids have done a marvelous job and I am so proud of the work they accomplished. Here’s to a great season!

All students must be on the parking lot WITH instrument in hand ready to warm up at 9am.

All parents are having a general meeting in the choir room at 9am as well. All parents are encouraged to attend.

All SENIORS are to be in the courtyard at 8:30am for their poster picture to be taken.

Performance Preview begins at 9:30 on the parking lot. All families are invited to attend.

Clash of the Titans eligibility meeting (required for participation in the program) is at 10:15 in the PAC. Prior to entering the auditorium, you MUST sign in on the chrome books in the commons/fieldhouse (this is not the commitment form, just proving you were there)

AFTER the meeting, you will be given a pen and a form to sign (both parent and student) on the way out of the PAC. After you sign it and drop it in the appropriate indicated spot, you will be free to leave for the day. (This should be 11:30am)

If you do NOT attend this meeting, you will need to call and set up a private screening prior to our first performance (August 22nd), or your student cannot perform with the band that evening.

We have our first evening rehearsal for the year. 6:30-8:30pm at school. All members of the band are to be in attendance.

Here, again, is the schedule for the fall. Attendance at each date on this calendar is a part of the grade for our class. Please make sure they are in your calendar now to prevent conflicts. I fully realize there are unavoidable conflicts with sports and I work those out with parents and students when needed. It is crucial students are at these rehearsals/performances for us to achieve the best product with our show.

(See attached file: 2014 MB Sched May 29.docx)

Have a GREAT weekend and see you tomorrow morning!

Clifton D. Thurmond

2014 MB Sched May 29.docx

Marching Band Rehearsal next Tuesday, July 22nd

Greetings Titan Pride Family,

Summer’s not over yet, but we’ve begun our march toward success. The colorguard has been working weekly all summer long and making progress toward their best season yet. The drumline just finished a week of camp and have exceeded their goals in preparation for the season as well, I’ve heard great things. Thank you to all students, parents, and staff for continued hard work and dedication to our band.


Have you had your physical exam yet?

Have you turned in the attached form to Mrs. Seabaugh yet?

If you answered “no” to either question, make sure you accomplish both by August 4th.

(See below: Physical form.pdf)


Rehearsal next Tuesday will be similar to our June rehearsal. Please be on time and meet in the PAC. It is looking like it will be hotter than our June rehearsal, so come prepared as we will spend some time outside.


I will handout fee worksheets on Tuesday to take home. Fees will be due the week of band camp.

See you soon! Memorize that music!!!!

Clifton D. Thurmond
Director of Bands, Lee’s Summit West High School

Physical form.pdf

Titan Pride Update, June 27th

Greetings! Hope your summer is going well, so far. We are continuing to gear up for what promises to be the best yet for the Titan Pride. Here is a bit of mid-summer information for you.

Drumline Camp (mandatory for ALL percussionists)
Drumline Camp begins Monday, July 7th and continues every day that week through Friday, July 11th from 8am to 5pm.
Lunch will NOT be provided, please bring a lunch each day.
In addition, make sure you bring water, sunscreen, shoes with a heel, a hat, and a great attitude.
As a post-camp reward, ALL percussionists will be going to see the Drum Corp International Tour of Champions in Warrensburg on Monday, July 14th. Transportation will be provided.

Your PHYSICAL EXAM must be turned in before camp on Monday

Battery Camp (mandatory for all members of the battery)
This camp is in addition to Drumline Camp. It begins Sunday, July 13th at noon at LSHS and continues through Monday, July 14th late in the evening.

Summer Sectionals
Your section leader SHOULD have set up some sectionals throughout the summer. Please be in attendance at those, given you are in town.

Full Band Rehearsal (mandatory for all members of the band)
As scheduled, our next rehearsal will be Tuesday, July 22nd, at LSW from 6pm to 9pm.
Same logistics as last time.
Please come prepared!

All-Band Pool Party
TONIGHT at Maddie Krause’s house. Starts at 7pm. There WILL be parental supervision.

For more information, please contact Maddie Krause or check the LSW Titan Pride Marching Band Page on Facebook.

Band Fees
These are still being figured out. I will email them to you the week of July 21st. Fees will be paid during band camp.

Please don’t forget to hand in your COMPLETED physical exam to Monte Seabaugh in the front office BEFORE your first day of camp!

Clifton D. Thurmond

Band Rehearsal TOMORROW NIGHT!​

Hi there! Hopefully your summer has started off with a bang. We are going to add to that with an AWESOME marching band rehearsal (as previously scheduled) TOMORROW NIGHT! The rehearsal will run from 6pm to 9pm.

All section leaders should be in the band room by 5pm. All remaining members of the band should be in the PAC by 6pm. You can enter the building on the South side of school nearest the loading dock.

We will be having some rehearsal outside and some rehearsal inside. Please come prepared with the following items:

  • tennis shoes, or shoes WITH a heel
  • water, water, water
  • sunscreen
  • sunglasses/hat
  • shorts/tee shirt (pants or long-sleeves are NOT recommended)
  • marching band instrument
  • marching band music as handed out at the end of May

Please make sure you eat a good dinner BEFORE you come to rehearsal. We will provide a light snack later in the evening.

If you have ANY questions, please don’t hesitate to email me.

Have a great Monday!

Clifton D. Thurmond

FNL DVD's and end of the year wrap-up

Thank you Choir Families for an amazing 2013-2014 school year! If you ordered an FNL DVD those have been mailed to you. If you have not received it within the next few days please email Also, the Senior Slideshow was not included in the DVD this year. If you would like a copy of the Senior Slideshow, you can pick one up at the main office here at LSW during normal business hours.

As we conclude this year, I want to once again thank and send our well wishes to Ryan Sullivan – who forever is a Titan, even though he’s moving to Texas! Thank you Ryan, you have impacted so many lives in your short time at LSW. We will miss you tremendously, but are so excited for you and this new chapter. Good luck to you!

Have a wonderful summer everyone – See you in August!

Amy Krinke

Una Voce Roster

Una Voce Chamber Choir 2014-2015

Thank you ALL for investing so much of your time and energy in the audition process for the 2014-2015 Chamber Choir. Obviously, this is an incredibly competitive process, but unfortunately there cannot be a place for everyone. I am so proud of each and every one of you. What amazing and talented students we have at Lee’s Summit West.

Una Voce 2015-15 POSTING.pdf

Una Voce Information for tomorrow

The call back results from today’s Una Voce auditions will be posted tomorrow after 5th hour. Those called back need to be available for rehearsal tomorrow from 2:45-4:00. Thank you for some wonderful auditions today! Certainly some fantastic singing and musicianship going on in the LSW choral program!