Symphony Orchestra
Symphony Strings
Philharmonic Orchestra
Winter Concert – Collection to benefit Sam Smith
Good morning!
Tonight is the Instrumental Winter Concert featuring the marvelous LSW bands and orchestras. The directors have provided the students with their specific call times and the concert is scheduled to begin at 7:00 pm.
After the concert, the students will be hosting a very special monetary collection for Sam Smith. Sam is a sophomore at LSW who was diagnosed with bone cancer two years ago. Recently, it was discovered that the cancer had returned. As you can imagine, the financial hardship has been significant for his family. The students would like to collect money to assist the family and to show Sam their love and support.
As you exit the concert, students will have donation boxes and ask that you please contribute to help a very special student.
Nancy Shaeffer
Instrumental Liaison
Fudraiser in This Friday
The fundraiser will be in this Friday. I will hand it out right after school till about 4. If you are unable to get it then please make arrangements to pick it up from Andrea Kaiser. Look for the items to be picked up in the band.
Andrea Kaiser
LSW Music Fundraiser Liaison
Women's Choir Holiday Caroling today – CANCELLED due to inclement weather
Unfortunately, the Women’s Choir Holiday Caroling on the Plaza that was scheduled for today at 1:45 is cancelled due to inclement weather. Please help us spread this news to others who may not be checking email, etc. Stay warm everyone!
Amy Krinke and Ryan Sullivan
Christmas Concert Decorations Volunteer Opportunity
We will be decorating the stage for next Tuesday’s instrumental concert on Monday, Dec. 9 from 3-5 PM. We could use 3 adult volunteers, if possible. I am also hoping for community service hours for some teenagers who would be staying after school to carry items to the stage, help decorate, and then taking down after the program Tuesday and putting back up for the 16th. We were able to do that last year, and it made everything move along very quickly! Contact Gay Beth Bingham if you are able to help.
Greetings on a frigid day!
Please read below, as All-State Band/Orchestra/Jazz Band auditions have been postponed and rescheduled for Saturday, December 21st.
Please feel free to respond with any questions, and I will answer them to the best of my ability and/or inquire for a better answer.
Have a great Saturday off!
Clifton D. Thurmond
The Missouri Bandmasters Association strives to promote better bands in Missouri through several events, the largest being the Missouri All-State Band. The current weather system that is affecting the southern half of our state has created concern among the MBA Board of Directors for the safety of those students traveling to Columbia on Saturday, December 7. MBA recognizes the hours of preparation that takes place for students to prepare for this important audition. To exclude a large portion of the state from an audition opportunity would not create a fair representation of the very best musicians from our state. Therefore, All-State Band auditions will be postponed for Saturday, December 7, 2013 and rescheduled for Saturday, December 21, 2013 at Hickman High School in Columbia, MO.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this change of date. We realize the impact on the Hickman Band Boosters, Hickman staff and students who work at the auditions, judges, and band directors who may have plans to attend the Midwest Clinic. However, inconvenience is a much better route to take than to risk the safety of our students, parents and teachers.
All rules and regulations will remain the same. Late registrations will be allowed under the same policy; $25 late fee assessed. Refunds, if necessary, will be allowed only to those schools who have pre-paid. Schools possessing a pre-printed check for a lesser number of auditions should make arrangements to have a new check printed.
Thanks for your understanding,
MBA Board of Directors
Washington, D.C. Trip Information
See the following PDF files for information about getting started on the 2015 Trip to Washington, D.C.
DC Trip Presentation
Individual Registration Form – Lee’s Summit
Online Payment Instructions