New Uniforms Unveiled Last Night
With lots of help from a great group of parent and student volunteers, we were able to get our new uniforms off a UPS truck and onto the field in a few hours! We weren’t even slowed down by a little rain.
Band members put in a few extra hours “on the clock” to get fitted for the new uniforms. Irons and ironing boards circled the band room so we could get the pants and sleeves creased and looking sharp.
Thanks to the support of the LSW administration, LSW Music Parents and the LSR7 school district, we’re excited to start the next chapter in the Titan Pride Bands with our new uniforms from FJM!
Important Info Re: Choir Concert, Tuesday! Performance Time CHANGED, please read
Dear Choir Families:
Please read carefully for important details for the Choir Concert on Tuesday.
Concert Start Time: 6:00 for ALL Choirs – This is a CHANGE due to scheduling issues on Tuesday evening. We will have ONE concert beginning at 6:00, ending approx. 7:20 p.m. We realize that an early start time, can be especially difficult for working parents. We thank you in advance for your understanding and flexibility.
Call Times for Students:
Freshman Women’s Choir: 4:50 p.m. on the stage in PAC
Men’s Choir: 5:25 p.m. in the Choir Room.
Women’s Choir: 5:25 p.m in the Choir Room.
Concert Choir/Una Voce: 5:25 p.m. in the Band Room.
Choir Eligibility Meeting (Clash of the Titans): 5:45 p.m. for any family who has not completed this with Mrs. Katzfey. Every child enrolled in choir must have this completed by Friday, October 17th. If you are not sure you have completed this, contact the Activities Office at LSW.
Choir Uniforms:
Men’s Choir: See email sent Sept. 12. Each student should have the following items in his possession. If your son has not been given their shirt, it is because they have not yet paid their $30. Please take care of this Monday.
* A blue button down dress shirt (purchased through LSW).
* A black wool blazer and silk tie (rented through LSW).
* Solid black dress slacks (provided by the student)
* A black belt, black socks, and black dress shoes (provided by the student)
Women’s Choir and Freshman Women’s Choir: New members were given their dresses several weeks ago. Alteration information was stapled to their dress on a pink sheet of paper. Women should wear their dress, black stockings/hosiery, and black closed toes dress shoes.
Concert Choir: Robes and Stoles were passed out last week to all Concert Choir members. Underneath the robes, men should wear: black dress slacks, a white collared dress shirt, neck tie, black dress socks, and black dress shoes. Women should wear: black skirt or slacks, black stockings/hosiery, a blouse of their choosing, and black close toed dress shoes.
The kids have a fantastic evening prepared for you! We can’t wait to share what we’ve been doing this fall. See you Tuesday night!
Amy Krinke, Jacob Lowry, and Terrin Pabst
Titan Pride Update Week of October 13th and TONIGHT!
Yea for Friday!
- All Senior/Junior uniform fitting starts at 2:30. Should be in light shorts/blue tee shirt/black socks/marching shoes
- All Freshmen/Sophomore uniform fitting starts at 4:00pm. Should come ready for game in light shorts/blue tee shirt/black socks/marching shoes (I am feeding them pizza at 4:45 after they have gone through the uniform process)
- All Senior/Junior report back to the building to get dressed at 5:30pm (students will want a jacket to wear on the OUTSIDE of their uniform in the stands as the weather will be chilly)
- All Seniors and Family will meet under the NORTH scoreboard at 6:10 for a 6:15 presentation
- All band members should be on campus by 11am (10:45 preferably). Please note it is Race for the Future day on our campus, so it COULD be quite busy around that time. Please plan accordingly.
- Band members should arrive in grey shirt and whatever they will be wearing underneath their uniform for the day
Tuesday morning sectionals – 6:45am
NO rehearsal Tuesday night (Choir Concert)
Thursday, Oct 16
5pm Drumline rehearsal begins
6pm Full band rehearsal begins (students to come in marching shoes and BLUE tee shirt)
9pm Full band rehearsal ends
Saturday, October 18
Odessa Marching Festival
11am call for drumline
12pm call for brass and woodwinds
All students arrive in grey performance shirt
Itinerary attached below
Future information
- Possible playoff games are looming (Oct 24, 31 and Nov 7, 14)
- Concert season is upon us, please get the concert instrument up and running. We begin on Monday, October 27
- Band Banquet Monday, November 3
Have a great Friday!
Clifton D. Thurmond
Wonderful Concert Last Evening!
Dear Parents and Students:
I was VERY happy with the concert last evening. Very proud of the students and their effort. The following Google Drive folder contains recordings of the orchestras to listen to and download:
I’m looking forward to the Winter Concert!
Kirt Mosier
Orchestra Concert Tonight : Information
Hello Parents and Students:
We are going to give a GREAT concert tonight. Please come and support the students in their first concert effort of the season. I will NOT talk very much as we want to bring the concert in at 1 hour or less 🙂
The CONCERT ORCHESTRA reports to the music room at 6:30
The PHILHARMONIC AND SYMPHONY orchestras report to music room at 6:50
There will be a section of the seating reserved for the orchestra members to watch the other orchestras perform. Part of your grade is staying to see all orchestras perform.
The concert will begin at 7pm in the PAC.
See you there!
Kirt Mosier
Band Senior Night Logistics
Hello Senior Band Families,
Here is the plan for TOMORROW night’s ballgame and Senior Night Festivities:
All band members will need to report to the band room no later than 5:30 to get into uniform.
Parents (or those escorting their senior band member in the presentation of seniors), need to meet underneath the score board in the NORTH endzone on the track at 6:10pm.
Someone asked how parents should be dressed. I will leave that up to you, although it seems every year some are dressed up for the event and others are not.
At 6:15 (or thereabouts) each senior and his/her parents (escorts) will be announced and recognized. They will walk down the track in front of the home bleachers and stand in line to be recognized.
Note: this ceremony is WITH all band, colorguard, dance, cheer, and football seniors. We will be organizing you in alphabetical order.
Have a great Thursday!
Clifton D. Thurmond
Titan Pride Update addendum and edits
Hi there! UNIFORMS ARE HERE! (Well, they will be Friday morning, supposedly) Ha!
We NEED NEED NEED volunteers this Friday, October 10 from 2:00pm until gametime getting all of the kids fitted in their new uniform. This is QUITE the task, so please don’t assume someone else will do this. We REALLY need many volunteers to make this happen. There are SEVERAL jobs needing to be filled for that day. If you are, at all, available, please go to CHARMS and sign up to volunteer.
Here is the uniform fitting plans for Friday:
All Juniors and Seniors
Uniform fitting time is after school beginning at 2:30pm. This means you will need to have the following with you when you come to school:
- black socks
- marching shoes
- BLUE uniform shirt
- very light/tight shorts or leggings (baggy shorts, even baggy althletic shorts will NOT work with this new uniform)
- all ladies will need to have their hair in a bun for the game
All Freshmen and Sophomores
Uniform fitting time is 4pm to 5:30pm. It is crucial we make this happen, so I will be buying pizza for dinner for all freshmen and sophomore band members so they have dinner before the game.
I fully understand this timing will be difficult for some, please let me know how I can assist in making carpool arrangements or coming and picking students up if need be myself.
You will need to show up ready for the game at 4pm with the following:
- black socks
- marching shoes
- BLUE uniform shirt
- very light/tight shorts or leggings (baggy shorts, even baggy althletic shorts will NOT work with this new uniform)
- all ladies will need to have their hair in a bun for the game
BIG mistake on the Bronco Invitational itinerary. Here is the new one:
(See attached file: Bronco Invitational.doc)
The change is that we WILL be taking a bus back to LSWHS after the event.
Also note that if your son/daughter will be taking alternate transportation to/from the event, I MUST have written notification by Friday (if this, in any way, involves the student transporting himself/herself, it must have administrative approval.)
Did I mention we need volunteers on Friday starting at 2pm?
See you all later this week!
New Uniforms and LSN competition
Greetings! There is a lot of information for the music parents this week. Scott and I have combined our emails so you will find an assortment of information in this email.
Great news…the new band uniforms are scheduled to arrive at the school on Friday. The challenge is that we need to fit 100 band members into their new uniforms before the football game Friday night. Several parents have met over the last week to devise a game plan for distributing the uniforms as quickly as we can, while keeping the chaos manageable.
The game plan calls for 2 assembly lines with 6 different stations on each line. In order to fully staff the assembly lines, we are asking for 30 volunteers. If we have that many volunteers, then we are confident that the kids will be looking sharp in their new uniforms for the Friday football game and that all the parents will be able to enjoy Senior Night.
Time: 2:30 to 5:30
Where: LSW band room
How to volunteer: Sign up in Charms (instructions at end of email), come to the band room and you will be assigned to a station with documentation of the job responsibilities for that station.
If you can’t be at the school at 2:30 but can help later, please go ahead and sign up in Charms.
Just send me an email to let me know when you will be there.
Please join us at the band’s campsite on Saturday. We will not know where our campsite is located until we arrive. Just look for our two big white trailers. There is no charge to hang out with the band.
We are having pulled pork and drip beans (aka fantastic baked beans) for dinner. You may eat with the band. The cost for adults is $7 per adult and $5 for middle school age and younger. Please e-mail Mary Grigsby (marygrigsby) with a head count if you plan to eat dinner with the band (do not include your LSW band student in the count). If you have special dietary needs please give Mary a call at 816-785-5215. Food may be available for “Walk-ins” on Saturday after the band and those that e-mailed Mary have been served.
There is an admission to watch the performance from the stands. Adults are $10. Students are $5. Kids under kindergarten age are free. Please take pictures. We need pictures to share during the end of the season banquet.
Thank you again for not parking in the driveway near the band doors during loading and unloading. As always, we can use lots of help loading and unloading. We have new shelving in the percussion trailer to help us be organized.
Thanks again for your support of the LSW Music program!
Charms instructions:
·Go to
·Select Enter in the upper right-hand corner
·Select Parents/Students/Members
·Enter school code: lswhsmusic
·Click on the Public Calendar icon
·Go to Oct 10th and click on the hand to volunteer
Titan Pride Update, Week of October 6th
Happy Friday! Hope to see you all at the game in a little while.
Concerning TONIGHT: We will NOT hand in uniforms after the game as originally planned. There has been a possible hold up on delivery of the uniforms, and we don’t want to be caught without a uniform for next weekend. With that being said, students should be picked up after we perform and they have put their uniform and equipment away tonight. Probably 10ish.
Update and Information for next week:
Tuesday, October 7th
Morning Sectionals for all (except fronline) 6:45am
Evening Rehearsal for full band
Drumline report at 5pm
Full band report at 6pm (new time, first october rehearsal), rehearsal over at 9pm
During rehearsal, there will be an opportunity for parents to volunteer to help prepare the EXTRA old uniforms for dispatch (please see section below concerning uniform volunteer needs)
Thursday, October 9th
However, IF the new uniforms are in (and we will notify you), there will be 1. more opportunities to volunteer, and 2. ALL band members will need to come check out their NEW uniform beginning at 7pm. Stay tuned……
Friday, October 10th
Call time for game will be 5:30pm
SENIOR NIGHT Football Game vs Blue Springs!
Come cheer on our Senior marching band and color guard members before the game in a special presentation. (Families of seniors, I will communicate with you soon on the logistics of that ceremony)
If the NEW uniforms are NOT in on Thursday, the process will have to take place on Friday beginning at 2:30 and going to gametime. Please consider this volunteer opportunity as well.
Saturday, October 11th
Bronco Invitational
Attached is the itinerary for Saturday. We will start at LSWHS with rehearsal. Please have your child eat before they arrive at 11am for our 11:15 rehearsal. We will feed them again around 5pm
Lastly, PLEASE come cheer on the Titan Pride in performance at 4:45pm. We NEED audience participation!!!!
We NEED parent volunteers on several occasions in the next week or so to help collect OLD uniforms and hand out NEW uniforms. If you are available on Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday, please follow the directions below to sign up. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!!!!!
This is the information for signing up to volunteer in Charms:
- Go to
- Select Enter in the upper right-hand corner
- Select Parents/Students/Members
- Enter school code: lswhsmusic
- Click on the Public Calendar icon
- Go to the correct day and click on the hand to volunteer
I think that is it for now! But I’m sure I have forgotten something!
Have a great weekend. Go Titans!
Clifton D. Thurmond