LSW Music (for parents and students)

Hello everyone,

First of all I’d like to say THANK YOU so much to those that volunteered this past weekend. I personally got several compliments from various people that appreciate how smooth and efficiently we organize this while putting the students first.

I’m addressing this for parents and students because we’re in need of many more volunteers for this Wednesday (5th) and Thursday(6th). Please don’t wait for someone else to volunteer, or for a specific spot to fill, just step in and volunteer. Students encourage your parents to volunteer and not wait as well. We have fun while working and enjoy lots of great music.

A few other news and notes:

Seniors – if you haven’t turned in you scholarship paperwork let me know and we’ll see what we can do since the deadline was actually yesterday.

Lee’s Summit Festival – Students that are performing at this should already know, times for their performances should be announced soon. This is on April 13th.

State Contest for solo/small ensembles is on April 28th. This is for students that got a 1 at Districts on March 10/11.

Officers – We’re still in need of officers for next school year. Please consider becoming an officer and helping us improve how we can support all of our students. Everything that we do is as a team and without you helping we can’t provide the support that makes our music program amazing. I’ll need to put names down on the ballot for our elections.

April 5th – State Festival – Band – Volunteers needed!!!!!
April 6th – State Festival – Orchestra – Volunteers needed!!!!
April 11th – Music parent meeting (Officer election is this day)
April 13th – Lee’s Summit Festival

Thank you for being part of this great music parent organization!


Choirs Received Straight 1 Ratings

Words really cannot adequately convey how unbelievably proud of you we are… Today was an amazing day of choral singing for LSW – Straight 1 Ratings from every judge for every ensemble. Words like “stellar” “breathtaking” “amazing” etc… were used to describe what you guys did today and we couldn’t agree more. So proud of you and your work and how you handled yourselves today… Now get some rest!!! Krinke, Lowry, and Chen

Final Details for Tomorrow’s MSHSAA Choir Festival

We are SO excited to hear the final product of the work our kids have been doing over the past 2 and half months! If you are not already planning on it, please consider coming to watch the performances tomorrow and support the Titan Choral Program. Below are the call times again for each ensemble, as well as the performance times. We have been over this multiple times in each class this week, but please check with your student to make sure they know what is going on. MSHSAA has strict policies about the performance times: late-comers will not be permitted into the PAC once the performance begins, so please plan accordingly. All students should arrive dressed and ready to go. All choirs meet in the Lecture Hall, and all performances occur in the PAC. Hope to see you in the audience tomorrow!

Amy Krinke and Jacob Lowry

Women’s Choir, Freshman Women, Concert Choir Women: 7:30 a.m. call time. 8:45 a.m. Performance time. The women should be free to go no later than 10:00 a.m.

Men’s Choir and Concert Choir Men: 11:45 a.m. call time. 1:00 p.m. performance time. The men will be free to go no later than 2:00 p.m.

Concert Choir: 1:15 p.m. Call time. 2:15 p.m. Performance Time. The Concert Choir should be free to go no later than 3:15 p.m.

Una Voce: 2:45 Call time. 3:30 performance time.

Important Announcement

To Parents of Lee’s Summit West Band Students:

LSW Band – Parent Meeting

Tuesday, April 11th @ 6:30 PM –In the Band Room

This is a VERY IMPORTANT meeting for all LSW Band Parents.

We have many talented students moving through our program along with several new students and incoming freshman who are excited about getting involved in Band. We’ve had an amazing year that I’d like to reflect on. As the Director, I feel that it is critical to communicate with you, the parents, about the future plans for our program.

We realize that most parents have very busy schedules, but we will be hosting a meeting that cannot be overlooked. If you have a student who is participating in Band this school year, we need for you to attend this meeting.

The meeting will only take about 30 minutes. We also have a HUGE fundraiser coming up that I want to share with all of you during the meeting.

As a part of our upcoming fundraiser, the company that we are working with is donating $5 to the Band Program for every parent in attendance! This is an easy opportunity to support our program, just by sharing a few minutes of your time.

The meeting will be held at Lee’s Summit West High School in the Band Room at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, April 11th, 2017.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.


Clifton D. ThurmondDirector of Bands, Lee’s Summit West High School

Pre Contest Orchestra Concert for this evening CANCELLED. INFO ABOUT NEXT WEEK’S CONTEST PERFORMANCES

Hello Orchestra Parents and Students:

We originally had a pre-contest concert scheduled for this evening and that concert has been cancelled due to the crazy busy schedule we have been under.

Contest is next Thursday, April 6th.

The Full Symphony Orchestra will perform at 1pm next Thursday, April 6th

The Symphony Strings will perform at 2:05pm next Thursday, April 6th

The Philharmonic/Concert Orchestra will perform at 3:10pm next Thursday, April 6th

These performances are open to the public even though they occur during the school day.

The Philharmonic/Concert Orchestra students will be available for pickup to go home at approximately 4:05pm.


I hope you can make their performances even though they are at odd times as it will be the last stage performance of this year. (Our final performance is in a gym 🙂 )

Thank you

Kirt Mosier

Titan Pride Update, Post Spring Break Edition

Wow. What a trip to Chicago it was! Thank you to all the parents who traveled with us and made this a great experience for all. A huge shout out to the McMilian, Krause, and Grigsby families for putting in extra duty on the trip and hauling our trailers to/from Chicago, you are a blessing!

This Friday (3/31) and Saturday (4/1) and NEXT Wednesday (4/5) and Thursday (4/6), we are in dire need of help to run our festivals. PLEASE go to charms today and sign up for a time slot.

There is NO concert tomorrow night!

Friday, March 31
Symphonic Band (Mr. Harrel’s band) plus a few select students from Percussion Class and Concert Band, will be taking the stage at 3:30pm to perform at MSHSAA State Contest. We are the hosts, as you can see from our volunteer plea above. These students will need to bring their concert outfit to school on Friday morning, as they will change into that outfit directly after school. These students will be done no later than 4:30pm.

Wednesday, April 5
Wind Ensemble will be performing at MSHSAA State Contest at 3:30pm. These students will need to bring their concert outfits to school that day, as they will change into them before the end of the school day.

Tuesday, April 11
Mattress Sale Fundraiser kick off meeting. We need ALL parents of band students to attend this meeting at 6:30pm in the band room. For every parent we have in attendance, the company pays us $5 with our sale profits. Please plan to attend.
Following this meeting will be our monthly Music Parents Booster meeting.

Thursday, April 13
Lee’s Summit Contest
This is a solo/ensemble contest for students who did not go to District Contest a few weeks ago. They should know who they are at this point. This contest is held at Lee’s Summit High School with a 7-minute time slot between 3pm and 6pm. Students need to figure out logistics as a bus is not provided.

Friday, April 28
State Solo/Ensemble Contest
This contest is for students who earned a 1 rating on a solo or small ensemble at District Contest on March 11. Transportation will not be provided due to the nature of the scheduling. Please plan accordingly. The contest is hosted by MU in Columbia.

Monday, May 1
Cavalcade of Bands 1
This concert involves all Percussion Class, Concert Band, and Symphonic Band students and starts at 7pm

Tuesday, May 2
Cavalcade of Bands 2
This concert involves all Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band students and starts at 7pm.

Tuesday, May 9
Music Awards
For all music students (bands, choirs, orchestras) receiving awards and accolades for the 2016-2017 school year.
This event begins at 6:00pm

Music State Festival

Good evening,

We’re a little over a week away from the State Festival. This festival is a little different than the last one in that this consists of large ensembles for band, orchestra and choir.

We are very short of both parent and student volunteers on all days and shifts. We’ll get each parent into a position to be able to hear their students perform. If there is a specific job you’d like to have please let myself or Michelle Krause know, we’ll do what we can to place you in that spot but keep in mind some areas are higher priority to staff than others.

March 31st – 2nd/3rd Bands
April 1st – Choir
April 5th – 1st Bands
April 6th – Orchestra

Charms instructions — use this to sign up for volunteering for adults and students

Go to

– Select Enter in the upper right-hand corner and select Parents/Students/Members

– Enter school code: lswhsmusic

– Click on the Public Calendar icon

– Go to the day that you wish to volunteer and click on the hand (if you know your students number please enter it)

Thank you,


MSHSAA State Festival schedule – ALL CHOIRS REQUIRED April 1st.

Hello Choir families and happy spring break! Please find the schedule below for the April 1st required MSHSAA Large ensemble festival. This event is hosted at LSW.

Women’s Choir, Freshman Women, Concert Choir Women: 7:30 a.m. call time. 8:45 a.m. Performance time. The women should be free to go no later than 10:00 a.m.

Men’s Choir and Concert Choir Men: 11:45 a.m. call time. 1:00 p.m. performance time. The men will be free to go no later than 2:00 p.m.

Concert Choir: 1:15 p.m. Call time. 2:15 p.m. Performance Time. The Concert Choir should be free to go no later than 3:15 p.m.

Una Voce: 2:45 Call time. 3:30 performance time.

Stay tuned for more information after we come back from spring break!

Amy Krinke and Jacob Lowry

Chicago Trip Suggested Packing List and Tuesday Rehearsal

Here is a suggested packing list. It is fairly general, but gives you a good idea of what to remember to pack. Of course, you know better than we do what will make you the most comfortable. You should think of any kind of weather and be prepared.

Reminder also, that there is a rehearsal for ALL Chicago students on Tuesday night. ALL Chicago students should bring their concert uniform/choir robe w/stole to their rehearsal packed in the provided garment bag (given to you Monday during class). NO SHOES ALLOWED IN THE GARMENT BAGS.
Band Rehearsal (4:45-6:15pm) at LSWHS
Orchestra Rehearsal (4:45-6:15pm) at LSNHS
Choir Rehearsal (7:00-9:00pm) at LSWHS

See you soon!
