LSWMP March news and notes

Hello everyone,

We’re about to start a very busy ending to the year, it’s crazy to think that in just a little over 2 ½ months the school year will be coming to an end. There’s some amazing music to be heard over the next couple of months and I hope everyone will take a few minutes to stop and enjoy it.

It takes a lot of work to make the next couple of months go smoothly but if everyone is willing to give a little bit of their valuable time it’s something we as a group can do together easily. As a music department we have over 500 students, many of which participate in both instrumental and vocal. How many activities in school have that many students associated with it? I’m going to go out on a limb and say none except for the entire student body of the high school. These amazing young adults are why our music teachers need the music parent’s help with so many things; please join me in giving them all the support we can over the next couple of months.

On to the news and notes, I apologize for the length of this email but as I stated it’s a busy time.

Music Festival: March 10th and 11th

  • · Thank you to those that have already volunteered for March 10 and 11.
  • · March 10 – We still have need for one parent volunteer on the 2:30pm – 6:00pm slot.
  • · March 11 – We still have need for one parent volunteer on the 1:15pm – 4:15pm slot.
  • · Students – We can use more students in several slots for both days. If the slots are full and you want to volunteer please show up anyway! If you need community service this is a great time to get it, all students need community service to graduate.
  • · We’ll need more volunteers at the end of the month/beginning of April and you can sign up for those as well.
  • · This music festival can’t be successful without parent and student volunteers.

Music parent officers:

  • · Following up from above in order to give the teachers and students the support needed we need an amazing group of parents to help lead us.

o There are a couple of positions available for the upcoming year – treasurer and merchandising.

o Positions that will open up after next year that you could shadow the current person – secretary and band uniforms.

o If those don’t interest you and another position does many of our current officers are more than willing to adjust to other roles because we’re all interested in doing what’s best for the entire music program.

Kauffman Performance: March 12th

  • · All information in regards to performance time, schedule to meet at LSW, parking, etc should have been received from the teachers.
  • · Students aren’t allowed to carry anything with them into Kauffman Center other than what’s in their pockets. No food is allowed at all.

Chicago trip (this only applies to those going):

  • · Packing information will be sent from the teachers this weekend.
  • · You should have already received information about departure time, itinerary and bringing their concert outfit(s) with them to Tuesday’s rehearsal.
  • · Any questions please direct to the music teachers.


  • · Trash bag fundraiser – This is for individual accounts and will begin on April 12th. Look for more information towards the first week of April.
  • · Mattress fundraiser – This is a fundraiser for the program as well as the individual student accounts. It will be held on May 6th. We’ll have more information about this at our April 11th meeting.

Seniors – If you’re majoring in music then we’ve got scholarship opportunities for you. Check out a scholarship packet in the guidance counselor office.

Upcoming dates:

· March 10-11 – Solo and Ensemble Contest

· March 12 – Kauffman Performance

· March 14 – Pre Chicago Concert

· March 15 – Band performs at Walmart grand opening

· March 16-21 – Chicago Trip

· March 31 – Large Ensemble Contest 2nd/3rd Bands

· April 1 – Choir Contest

· April 5 – Large Ensemble Contest 1st Bands and Percussion Ensembles

· April 6 – Orchestra Contest

· April 11 – LSWMP Meeting

· April 13 – Lee’s Summit Festival

Charms instructions – use this to sign up for volunteering for adults and students

Go to

– Select Enter in the upper right-hand corner and select Parents/Students/Members

– Enter school code: lswhsmusic

– Click on the Public Calendar icon

– Go to the day that you wish to volunteer and click on the hand (if you know your students number please enter it)

Thank you,

Brent Grigsby

LSWMP President

LSWMP Music Scholarship

Good morning,

Congratulations seniors, and parents, on reaching the conclusion of your high school journey. I’m proud to announce that the annual LSWMP Scholarship and Roy and Barbara Nelson Scholarship are now available for seniors that plan to major in music at college.

Scholarship packets are available in the guidance counselor’s office as of first thing in the morning (at schools end at the latest). All packets are due on April 3rd by 3:00pm unless prior arrangements have been made.

I’ve also attached a pdf file with the information. Should you have any questions please contact Jeff Duncan at jefngeo or myself at lswmusicpresident, brentgrigsby.

Thank you,

Brent Grigsby
LSWMP President

Music Scholarship 2017.pdf



1. Attached to this email you find a general itinerary for the trip. A personalized itinerary will be given to each student at the trip meeting, which will be at 8:30pm at LSNorth in the PAC. We will also have a chaperone meeting during this time.

2. In addition, you will find the “Code of Conduct and Medical Release” Form to be completed and returned to your director no later than Friday, March 3rd. The medical release form MUST have all requested insurance information INCLUDING POLICY AND GROUP NUMBER.

3. All students will need to have their concert outfit(s) with them on a hanger when arriving at the Chicago rehearsal on Tuesday, March 14th. We will provide each student with a garment bag. Students in choir AND and instrumental group will put their concert outfit AND robe in the same bag.

4. All luggage and carry-ons will be searched prior to loading/boarding the bus for departure during the ALL-Trip Meeting (on itinerary).


Change to TH rehearsal tonight

Hello all,

Too many irons are in the fire at the moment, and unfortunately the lack of school today has complicated a few matters in concern to upcoming events.

Tonight’s Titan Harmony rehearsal will be held in the PAC, and will only last from 6:30-7:30* (see the one exception below). We have to work really quickly and efficiently on ‘Walkin Down That Glory Road’ as well as get introduced to one more piece to round out our end-of-year repertoire.

If a couple of you could be in the building around 6:00, we will be moving 5 risers from the choir room to the PAC for the rehearsal. Help would be appreciated!

***Men of Concert Choir:
Please stay for the full duration of the rehearsal tonight. We have missed valuable time in preparation for our Kauffman performance this upcoming Sunday. We will combine with Una Voce and rehearse the Gloria. With this rehearsal, you will be seen as leaders going into our 5th-hour rehearsals later this week. Your attendance is invaluable in this matter!***

Thank you,
Mr. L

Titan Pride Update, March edition

WOW, this is going to be a whirlwind of a month. Here are some reminders and information to help keep things going and straight for you, I hope:

Tuesday, March 7th (THIS WEEK ahead)
Required Chicago Trip rehearsal for all BAND trip-goers.
Call time for Concert Band/Symphonic Band/Percussion Class is 3:20pm. Bus will go to/from LSN for a 4pm to 6pm rehearsal
Call time for Wind Ensemble is 3:45pm at LSW in the band room.

Saturday, March 11th
District Solo/Ensemble Contest – all participating students (they know who they are) have a scheduled 7-minute time slot at LSW.
Students should be on campus no less than 30 minutes prior to that performance
Students should be dressed professionally
Students will not have access to the band room/choir room, so instruments and music need to go home with them on Friday
They have a copy of the schedule in their possession

Sunday, March 12th
Kauffman Center Concert
You will be receiving additional emails about this, please look for them. Basically, students need to be at LSW by 12pm in their concert uniform, having already eaten lunch.
If you would like to take your son/daughter home after the concert, please communicate this with them so they don’t sign up for a bus ride home. More on the other email.

Tuesday, March 14th
Required Chicago Trip rehearsal for all BAND trip-goers.
Call time for all bands is 4:30pm at LSW in the band/choir room.
Rehearsal will end at 6:15pm

Wednesday, March 15th
Walmart Grand Opening – Take 2
Students are to report to the Walmart parking lot at 7am
Transportation will be provided from Walmart to school after the event
Students are not allowed to ride back to school with other student drivers

Friday, March 31st
State Contest for ALL members of the Percussion Class/Concert Band/Symphonic Band.
Students will need to bring concert uniform to school with them that day
Performance is directly after school
Students will be done around 4pm

Wednesday, April 5th
State Contest for ALL members of the Wind Ensemble.
Students will need to bring concert uniform to school with them that day
Performance is directly after school
Students will be done around 4pm

Kauffman Center Concert PARKING INFO (Act now) First come, first serve.

Parking is available in the garage at Arts Center Parking Garage for $8. Pre-purchasing parking guarantees a reserved spot in the garage. Please note if the garage is full, patrons without a pre-paid pass will not be able to park in the Arts District Garage. Street parking on Sundays is usually free. There are several city pay lots that are also available; the price of those vary. Particularly for the LSW concert, parking may be limited in the garage due to the opera that is at Kauffman at the same time as the concert. Carpooling is encouraged.

For those of you interested, garage parking may be purchased at this link:

Volunteer opportunities

Good morning,

We’ve got a couple of events scheduled in the next couple of weeks that we need your help with. You might not see my name on the volunteer slots for the events below but I’ll be at them the entire time. I know that we’ve all got very busy lives but please take a few hours and volunteer to help not only our students but also other students in our school district.

Taste of Lee’s Summit – March 4th 4:30pm-10:00pm

We need at least 10 adult volunteers for this event; the dress code is: a white shirt, black pants and black shoes. You’ll be able to sample food from various vendors, make bids on fantastic donations from the community and interact with a diverse group of people. There are positions for standing, sitting and walking around. LSWMP typically receives $2500 from this partnership that helps pay for various things including awards. Attached is a bit more information as well. I can attest to this being an awesome night and an experience that I’ve done for the past four years and look forward to doing this again.

Here’s a little information about the event – This event is an adult only event and all money raised is for the student programs across the district (Great beginnings thru 12th grade). Our goal this year is to raise $100,000! In years past we were able to provide the chrome books to LS R-7 students thru the generous donations and auction money raised.

District Festival– March 10th and 11th

This is for solo and small ensembles for the entire music program. We’ve got many open slots for parents and students to volunteer and listen to some wonderful performances.

Performance times will probably come out the end of this week or the very beginning of next week. If you happen to volunteer during the time your student performs, we will assign you to their room or arrange for someone to take your place so that you will hear them perform. Please don’t let the lack of performance times stop you from volunteering.

Charms instructions – use this to sign up for volunteering for adults and students
Go to
– Select Enter in the upper right-hand corner and select Parents/Students/Members
– Enter school code: lswhsmusic
– Click on the Public Calendar icon
– Go to the day that you wish to volunteer and click on the hand (if you know your students number please enter it)

Upcoming events:

March 4 – Taste of Lee’s Summit

March 7 – LSWMP Meeting (LSW Band room)

March 10 – District Festival (Choir)

March 11 – District Festival (Instrumental)

March 12 – Kauffman Center performance

Thank you and go Titans!

Brent Grigsby

LSWMP President

Music Patch Orders are Due Monday the 27th

Music Parents and Students:

All order forms are due in the lock box in the instrumal or choir rooms by the end of the school day, Monday February 27th. I would like to thank the parents that made me aware that the ‘Men’s Choir’ patch was not included on the previous order form. I have added it to the form.

Patches will probably be distributed in April, the orders are taking about 8 weeks.

SLMS Invitational Information

Parents and Students,

This upcoming Monday afternoon(2/27), Titan Harmony will be singing at the SLMS Elementary School Invitational concert at LSWHS in the PAC.

Call time for this event is 3:30 in the LSW Choir Room. The event begins at 4:00. Titan Harmony will perform at 5:30. The event ends at 6:00. There will NOT be a rehearsal afterward. Dress for the afternoon will be our concert attire.

If students decide to stay after school, they may bring their uniforms in the morning and leave it on a hanging rack in the ensemble room.

This is an extremely important event for all singers who feed into the Lee’s Summit West choir program. We have to catch the excitement of the kids while they are young!!! Many of our students are singing today because of the experience they had at this concert.

Parents, this concert is usually closed door for many reasons, the primary one being the logistics in moving elementary school kids in and out between each performance. We will be performing this music on our tour on April 11th as well as at Parade of Choirs in the spring!

See you next Monday!
Mr. Lowry

Music Patch Orders Due February 27th

Attention Music Students/Parents:

All 2017 Music Patch orders are due by February 27th, we have only received a few orders in the music department and we are 8 days away from the deadline. The Attached order form includes all patches for the following:

Marching Band


Symphonic Band

Concert Band


Percussion Ensemble


Wind Ensemble

Color Guard



Please Print the attached form and submit your orders to the locked drop boxes in the music department.