Titan Pride Update, Week of Sept 12

Tuesday, 9/13
Evening rehearsal
Snare drums, 4:30 start
Tenors and Basses, 5:30 start
All others, 6:25 start

Thursday, 9/15 (Homecoming Parade Day)
Students need to wear khaki shorts and their SHOW SHIRT (receive on Tuesday) to school for the parade.
Students will be released from class during 7th hour as we will ride the bus to downtown LS for the parade.
Parade begins at 3:30pm and will head north from the Baptist Church downtown and then head back down Douglas to end.
After the parade, we will feed the kids dinner at the church gymnasium while waiting for the buses to transport us back to LSW for rehearsal.
We SHOULD begin rehearsal by 5pm. This means we will be finished with rehearsal at 7pm. The drumline will hold an additional one hour rehearsal from 7pm to 8pm to prepare for Saturday’s competition.

Friday, 9/16
Football game
Call times are the same, 4:45 for battery, 5:45 for all others.
Since this is the Homecoming game, and we will recognize royalty at halftime, we will be performing our show for POSTGAME. This means dismissal will be approximately 30 minutes later than normal for a game.

Saturday, 9/17
Drummit at the Summit competition, Battery and Frontline ONLY.
All others are encouraged and welcome to come support and cheer on the drumline as they compete at LSHS at 3:00pm on the football field.
Itinerary attached!


  • Ice Cream Social ticket sale money due on Friday
  • Competition time for full band on Saturday, Sept 24th will run approximately 6:30am to 3:30pm. More information to follow next week.
  • Spirit Cup Fundraiser orders/money due Monday, Sept 19th
  • Second installment of Band Fees due on September 15th if you did NOT pay in full during band camp
  • Please sign up to volunteer at the Ice Cream Social by going to CHARMS.

Have a great weekend!

Drummit at the Summit.docx

Orchestra Tuxedo Fittings Tomorrow 5:30-8:30pm

Hello Orchestra Parents and Students:

Tomorrow (Thursday, Sept. 8) We need all males to report to the instrumental room to be sized and pick up their tuxedos between 5:30 and 8:30pm.

We also need parent volunteers to help with this. If you are a parent and you can help with tuxedo sizings please contact Marla Franklin at: mfranklin@saint-lukes.org

I will be announcing this in class today and hopefully we will all look better by the end of tomorrow evening!

Thank you

Kirt Mosier

Spirit Cup Fundraiser

Dear LS West Music Families:
This year is a trip year as most of you know and we will be traveling to Chicago! To help offset the cost of the trip we will be offering “Spirit Cups” as fundraiser to the students and their families. We are thrilled to be using the power of the NFL, MLB, NHL,U.S. Military and your favorite collegiate teams to help us raise funds. These 3-D animated cups are BPA free and dish washer safe and pack a real WOW FACTOR! The profits from this fundraiser will go into the student’s individual accounts. There are many other cost associated with our music program that can be paid for from the student’s individual accounts as well as trip cost. (The profit margin on this fundraiser is 40% from the brochure and 35% from online sales.)

The ROYALS WORLD SERIES CHAMPION TRAVEL CUPS are now in and available for a
limited time only. They are available only in a two pack for $20.00.

* Our music program has received a FREE online account but individual participants must sign up at www.SpiritCupsDirect.com/login
* Under “Participant Sign Up” search for your organization( LEE”S SUMMIT MUSIC BOOSTER), create/enter a username, email and password, and click “Sign Up.”
* You will be directed to a Participant Admin Page where you can fill out other information and will be given a unique sales link. This is what you will send to friends and family around the country through email and social media to help you generate more sales!

Sale Starts TODAY!
Talk to neighbors, friends, relatives, facebook friends and co-workers
Sale Ends Monday, September 19th
Money & order forms are due. Please fill out the top of the order form.
** Make checks payable to LS West Music Parents.
Student will be notified when the orders are in. (Mid October)
Pick-up will be in the instrumental (band) room. (Room 1060)
Please contact Andrea Kaiser at lswmusicfundraising at gmail for any questions.
*All students selling 5 items will be entered into a drawing for a BEAUTIFUL ROYALS WORLD
SERIES REPLICA RING! (Pictured above)
*Students selling 10 items will receive a ROYALS TRAVEL CUP! ($12 VALUE)
*Students selling 20 items will receive a Chiefs 4 piece set of SPIRIT CUPS! ($20 VALUE)
* Top seller will receive ONE SPIRIT CUP FROM ALL 32 NFL TEAMS!

LSWMP Ice Cream Social information

Ice Cream Social – This is a required performance that will be held September 20 starting at 6pm.

· Volunteers were at the high school this past Thursday and Friday handing out a packet that includes five meal tickets, five dessert tickets and a letter explaining the ice cream social. I’m also attaching the letter to this email.

· If you haven’t received the tickets from your students please ask them. There will also be more tickets available from each of the music teachers should you need additional tickets.

o It’s important that money/checks or unused tickets are turned back in so that we can plan accordingly for food. Checks can be made out to LSWMP. There are envelopes and lockboxes in each music room for turning in tickets/money.

· Support – Volunteers are needed for this event as we serve roughly 2600 combined meals and desserts at this event in just a couple of hours. Any assistance you can give is greatly appreciated. Just like you I want to watch my son/daughter, I’ll be stepping to the side to watch my son/daughter perform at their time while I’m volunteering. Please see the end of this email for signing up through CHARMS. Continue reading “LSWMP Ice Cream Social information”

Titan Pride Update, week of Sept 5

Good morning and I hope this finds you well.

Schedule for next week:
Monday – no school
Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band have playing tests due to be submitted to Schoology this day.

Evening rehearsal
Battery – 5:30
Winds/Frontline – 6:25
Trumpets involved in dance need to be on parking lot at 6:00pm

Evening rehearsal
Battery – 5:30
Winds/Frontline – 6:25

Updates and New Information


  1. We need some parents to assist with tuxedo fittings for our boys. If you are available to help Tuesday, 9/6 and Thursday, 9/8 from 5:30-8:30pm, please contact Marla Franklin at mfranklin
  2. All Senior and Junior boys need to come for tuxedo fittings at 5:30 on Tuesday!

Drummit at the Summit – Saturday, September 17 (battery and frontline only)

  • Performance time is at 3:20. Detailed schedule to come out next week. Those needing to leave early for Homecoming Dance on this day will be able to leave around 4pm.

Smith Cotton Festival – Saturday, September 24 (full band)

  • Tentative schedule is a morning performance time (10ish). Awards in the afternoon. Home before dinner 🙂

Have a great Labor Day weekend!

Schedule for tuxedo fittings

We are ready to start fitting tuxedos! Here is our schedule:

Band students – Tuesday, September 6th. 5:30-8:30. We will be fitting all upperclassmen first, before we begin Freshmen fittings. Look for an email from Mr. Thurmond with more information.

Orchestra students – Thursday, September 8th. 5:30-8:30. Look for an email from Mr. Mosier with more information.

Tuesday, September 13th will be the makeup day for any student, band or orchestra, who was unable to attend the prior fitting times. Start time at 5:30, but hopefully finished before 8:30.

LSW Music Shirts available this evening in the band room

For those of you interested in a Titan Pride music shirt, we will be at LSW in the band room from 5:45 to 6:15 this evening, Thursday September 1, 2016, for you to purchase one.

We will also be selling our shirts at the Ice Cream Social!

Please plan on paying with a check we will not have the ability to make change tonight.
Checks can be made to LSW Music Parents. Costs range from $10.00 to $30.00 depending on the shirt.

Thank you for your support of LSW Music!

All-State Recordings & Videos

The MU School of Music faculty would like to offer their help to your students preparing for All-State Band auditions. Quality recordings of the Set I All-State audition excerpts and YouTube videos for all Percussion Options performed by our faculty can be found at the following link: https://music.missouri.edu/all-state-recordings. Please share these valuable resources with your students!

A username and password is required to access these recordings! Please use the login information provided:
username – band
password – missouriallstate

**Bassoon, B-flat clarinet, and bass clarinet recordings will be posted by October 1st.

Titan Pride Update, week of August 29th

Hi all! Hope you are looking forward to a restful weekend. Here is the update for next week and some other bits of information for you, so please read all of it.

Points of Info

  • Rehearsal on Thursday, Sept 22 is being altered (now 6pm to 9pm) to make sure we have enough rehearsal time that week due to Tuesday’s Ice Cream Social.
  • Likewise, the rehearsal on Thursday, October 13 is also being altered (now 6pm to 9pm) due to Tuesday’s volleyball Dig for the Cure in which we will participate as a pep band.
  • Thursday, September 1st is the $600 deadline for all Chicago trip participants (students and chaperones) Please make your check payable to LSW Music Parents. If you are not registered and interested in going, please contact Mr. Thurmond immediately. If you are NOT going and have already registered, we need to know that ASAP as well.
  • If your son has not turned in the tuxedo sizing form and/or the $22 fee, please do so immediately so we can take care of that process
  • If your daughter has not turned in the $80 dress fee, please do so immediately so we can place our order

Next Week
Tuesday – Band Rehearsal August 30
5:30 for battery
6:00 for trumpets involved in colorguard dance
6:25 for winds, frontline, guard
7:00 Music Parents (boosters) meeting (open to all parents of music students)

Thursday – Band Rehearsal September 1
5:30 for battery
6:00 for trumpets involved in colorguard dance
6:25 for winds, frontline, guard

Friday – Football Game September 2
4:45 call for battery
5:30 call for winds, frontline
8:00 approximate time of halftime performance
9:30 approximate time of dismissal

URGENT: Choir Moms Needed for Dress Fittings MONDAY!

We have over 100 girls who must be fitted for dresses next week and I need your help! No experience necessary 😉 Please reply right away to help one or more of these times:

Monday 9:00 a.m. – Noon
Monday Noon – 2:45
Tuesday 7:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m.

May also need:
Tuesday 10:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Please email Mr. Harrel with any shifts you can help with and he will forward your information to Christina Calderon

Thank you so much!