LSW Music Fundraiser – Minsky's Pizza – Saturday, March 12

Minsky’s will be providing 20% of their sales back to the LSW Music Department for dine in, carryout, and delivery orders made on Saturday, March 12. To receive credit, you may bring in the flyer, show it on your phone, or just mention it to the cashier. It is valid only at the Lee’s Summit location in the Valle Vista Shopping Center on Highway 291. Their hours are 11 am to 1:30 am.
LSW Music at Minskys 03 12 16

2017 LSWHS Music Department Chicago Trip

This information went out via email last week, so if you didn’t get that message, follow the link for information on how to access Charms and update your information.

Hello Parents and Students of the 2017 LSWHS Music Department:

WE ARE GOING TO CHICAGO and it is going to be the best trip ever! This trip is for all instrumentalists at LSWHS as well as the CONCERT CHOIR. I have attached an informational packet about the trip. Please read everything carefully. We will be performing at a festival of gold in Chicago Symphony Hall!

We would like 100% Participation so let’s do this! Once again, please read the attached information carefully.

The registration deadline for the trip is Monday, March 7, 2016. You must have a $25.00 non-refundable deposit turned into your school director by March 7th. Please make the check out to LSWHS Music Parents. In the memo of your check please put the student’s name. You must also fill out the online registration form. Summit Lakes Students, please turn your checks into your Summit Lakes teacher. Here is a link to the online registration form: Chicago 2017! Registration Form



There will be a short trip meeting next Thursday, February 25th, from 6-6:20pm in the LSWHS Commons. Mr. Thurmond and myself will be there to answer questions and talk about the trip.

If you have questions that you would like to email to us, you can email me at: kirt.mosier or Mr. Thurmond at clifton.thurmond

This is going to be AMAZING!


Kirt Mosier

Chicago 2017 Information

Panera Bread Fundraising Night – Wed, 2/17

Hello! Our next fundraising night will be Wednesday, Feb 17 from 4 pm to 8 pm at the Summit Woods Shopping Center location. Families need to either bring a printed copy of the attached flyer or they may show a copy of the flyer on their phone to the cashier before ordering. Another option is to order online using our fundraiser code and picking up at the Rapid Pick-Up area. There are instructions included on the flyer for online orders.

The LSW Music Department will receive 20% of all purchases provided that we have at least 50 people participate. We are not allowed to pass out flyers onsite.

Lee’s Summit West High School Music Department

LSW Music Patches

Music students/parents,

The Music Parents organization sends in a bulk order for participation patches each year. These are commonly displayed on the back of letter jackets but some families choose to make a blanket, scrapbook or other keepsake display. These are optional and are also available individually through Summit Sports though prices will be different as we get a discount for our bulk order. The “rockers” are the year bars to add around an original year patch for multiple years in same group if you prefer this over buying the patch for each year.

This IS NOT the actual music letter. Each director has criteria for these and they are presented at the music awards night in the spring. Please print and fill out the attached form and enclose it with a check or request to use student account form from Charms Office. If you have multiple students, please fill out an order form for each but you can write one check. Please place in an envelope and use/have students use the locked drop boxes in instrumental/choir
rooms to turn in. The directors do not collect this order.

ORDERS ARE DUE 2-29-2016

If you have questions, please contact me,
Debbie Burre

LSWMP 2015-16 Patch Order (updated 2/12/2016)

Jazz Trip Next Wednesday, 2/3

We’re traveling to Ottawa State University next Wednesday. Plan for an all day trip. We’ll have sectionals, jam sessions, rehearsals, performances, and FOOD! We’ll be leaving LSW at 7:30am and arriving back to west about 7pm. The list of clinicians is great and I’m looking forward to it. It’ll be a lot of fun and we will be 1000% more jazzy when we get back.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Shawn Harrel

LSW Music Festival

Good evening,

The Music Festival is quickly approaching. The Festival has two major components: solo/small ensemble and large ensemble. At this time I’m only focusing on the solo/small ensemble.

What is the solo and small ensemble Music Festival?

This event occurs over two days at LSW for the surrounding schools in the district (approximately 12 schools). Vocal solos/ensembles are scheduled on Friday, March 4th and instrumental solos/ensembles on Saturday, March 5th. Students can choose to perform a solo, or in a small group (usually less than 8) or can do both. The festival takes place in approximately 16 classrooms at LSW. There is a judge in each classroom and students are assigned to perform in one of those classrooms. Friends and family are able to come into the classroom and listen. The judge will score the performance from a 1 (the best) to a 5 (not so good). Students that receive a 1 rating will be eligible to perform at State Music Festival (held in late May at the University of Missouri-Columbia campus).

Why do we need volunteers?

We cannot host the festival without several volunteers. Over these two days we will need about 125 volunteers (not including students). We are asking each family to volunteer for at least one-two shifts. It is a great way to help the music department, support your child, and get to know some other great music parents. An added bonus is that you will hear some very talented students and groups. And no musical talent is required for any of the volunteer opportunities!

The festival also provides a number of jobs where students can assist; it’s a great way to fulfill their volunteer hours! Student volunteer sign-ups will be posted on the choir room doors shortly.

We also run a concession stand during the festival; the proceeds allow the music parents to support our music students in a great number of ways.

The kids probably will not receive their performance times until the week before the festival. If you happen to volunteer during the time your child performs, I will make arrangements so that you can still hear them perform. I compare the performance times for each child to the times that the parents have volunteered. If there is a conflict, then I will either assign you to your child’s room or arrange for you to switch with another parent when it is time for them to perform. Please don’t let this stop you from volunteering now.

Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact myself or Michelle Krause (4krauses).

Thank you for your support!
Brent Grigsby
LSWMP President

Charms instructions:

Go to
Select Enter in the upper right-hand corner and then select Parents/Students/MembersEnter school code: lswhsmusic
Click on the Public Calendar icon
Go to the day that you wish to volunteer and click on the hand

Solo and Small Ensemble Volunteer Descriptions
Setup Crew – Prior to contest beginning adjust classroom configuration into contest configuration
Room Monitor – Assist judge by ushering students into room for performance and maintain semi-quiet environment outside room during performance
Information Table – Provide information to individuals on location of rooms, concessions and restrooms
Clean Up Chief – Manage students to ensure classrooms are returned to original state after contest concludes
Clean Up Crew Student – After contest ends, remove stands/chairs and arrange desks back into classroom configuration
Concessions – Receive money, prepare food and serve customers

Reminders for Band This Week

1. Basketball games for both bands this week. Check your schedule.
2. Drum Major meeting on Tuesday before school at 7. All current, future, and aspiring drum majors should attend, whether you plan to tryout this year or not.
3. It’s contest registration time. You MUST have music, accompanist, and be registered via Google form no later than Friday of this week!! See me with questions.

LSWMP January news and notes


Things are starting to pick up in the music program and it’s a very exciting time. On to the news and notes:

Music Festival

– This is quickly coming and there will be an email shortly. There are two parts to the music festival: solo/small ensemble and large ensemble. To give you an idea of how many people go through LSW – last year we had 6,800 performers over 6 days, 207 volunteer spots, we covered 850 hours with 126 unique volunteers!

Continue reading “LSWMP January news and notes”

Second Semester Choir Events – DATE CHANGE

Dear Choir Families,

The second semester is off and running here at LSW. Indeed, we have busy yet exciting semester ahead in the Choral Department.

The date for Parade of Choirs has changed. The correct date is April 26. This is a change from what was distributed back in August when we released the first calendar. This is a required performance for ALL choir students. I’ve included the 2nd semester calendar at the bottom of this email for your reference.

Also, I am excited to welcome our fantastic student teacher Mr. Connor Scott into our Titan Choir family. Mr. Scott, comes to us from Webster University in St. Louis and will be student teaching at LSW through mid-April. I’ve attached a welcome letter from him to this email as well.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Amy Krinke

Mr. Scott Letter

LSW Choir Calendar

Graded Performances and Rehearsals:                    Continue reading “Second Semester Choir Events – DATE CHANGE”