Titan Pride Update, Week of September 22nd

Here are the details for THIS week:

Jazz Jam after school until 3:15

Woodwind and Brass
sectionals begin at 6:45am
Battery sectional begins at 7am
Drumline Rehearsal begins at 5pm
Full Band Rehearsal begins at 6:30pm

All woodwind and brass students wishing to audition for All-District Band MUST turn in a recording of all major and minor scales requested by the audition (see audition packet for more details)

All percussion students wishing to audition for All-District Band MUST turn in a video recording of the Auxiliary Etude (see audition packet for more details)

The ONLY exception to this requirement is made for those who made/performed in the All-District or Honorable Mention Band last December at the HIGH SCHOOL level. (If there is a question, please ask before Thursday)

Full Band Rehearsal begins at 6:30pm

Jazz Jam after school until 3:15

Cookie Dough Fundraiser

This is the LAST week to be selling cookie dough. The money and orders will be due NEXT Monday, the 29th. Orders not in by this date may not be filled.

Items of future reference:

Homecoming Parade: This parade is after school on Thursday, October 2nd. This is NEXT Thursday. We will travel by bus to/from downtown Lee’s Summit to march in the parade. The parade will begin promptly at 3:30pm. Students will be need to be picked up around 4:15 or 4:30pm at LSW.

Homecoming Game: FYI, at this game, we will perform our show AFTER the game due to the royalty ceremony at halftime. Therefore, pick up time will be a little later. This is on Friday, October 3rd.

October Evening Rehearsals: As scheduled, we move to only ONE evening rehearsal per week in October. Those dates are on Tuesday 10/7, Thursday 10/16, and Tuesday 10/21 . Also, please note that those rehearsal times change to 6pm to 9pm .
Playoff Football Games: The scheduling of these games have changed. The POSSIBLE playoff games will occur on the following Fridays: 10/24, 10/31, 11/7, and 11/14. We need to be ready to play any/all of these. However, we won’t know IF we are in it, or IF it is a home game until the week prior. Thank you for your flexibility.


We had a GREAT weekend! We took 2nd in our class in the prelims competition, I was expecting to take 2nd or 3rd. (There were 4 bands in each class)

We, then, placed 7th in finals competition, which is an open class format (meaning no class divisions, all bands in one big class). Knowing of all the competing bands, I had expected to come in 9th or 10th. The kids outdid themselves and I am so proud of them.

Way to go Titan Pride!

Jazz Jams Starting Next Week

Anyone who is interested in playing jazz should attend our Jam Sessions which will be starting next week. What is a Jam Session? Basically, we’ll be getting together to play some music. Who can come? Any wind player or rhythm section player. When are they? See the snapshot of the calendar:

Screen Shot 2014-09-19 at 2.20.55 PM

Ask Mr. Harrel if you have any questions. See you next week! — and also this weekend 🙂

Uniform fitting help needed

The marching

band will be wearing the old marching band uniforms to the competition this

Saturday in Blue Springs. Yvonne will

begin fitting the kids in uniforms Monday during school between 8:30 am and

11:00 am.
If you can

assist at any time during this time, please sign up in Charms.



to www.charmsoffice.com


Enter in the upper right-hand corner




school code: lswhsmusic


on the Public Calendar icon

to the correct day and click on the hand to volunteer

Information Re: Men's Choir Uniform

Dear Men’s Choir families,
In class today, we discussed the details regarding the Men’s Choir uniform for all of our concerts. In case this information doesn’t make it home, here are the details:
The Men’s Choir concert uniform consists of several parts:

  • A blue button down dress shirt (purchased through LSW).
  • A black wool blazer and silk tie (rented through LSW).
  • Solid black dress slacks (provided by the student)
  • A black belt, black socks, and black dress shoes (provided by the student)

Today, each boy was measured for his Men’s

Choir dress shirt. Blazers and ties will be

distributed in a few days. Each member

needs to provide their own dress slacks (solid black) as well as their dress

shoes, and belt.

A $30.00 Uniform Fee is due by September 19th.
This fee covers the purchase of the shirt, and rental of the jacket

and tie. If your student has been in Men’s Choir in a previous year and already owns a shirt, he is only required to pay

$10.00 to rent his blazer and tie. All checks payable to LSWHS.

Thank you so much for supporting your son, and

the LSW Men’s Choir. Hope to see you all

at our Fall Concert on October 14th.
Amy Krinke and Jacob Lowry

Titan Pride Update, week of September 15th

Competition season is quickly approaching (1st one is next week!). This coming week is super busy, so make sure to read through this carefully. Feel free to respond with questions as needed.

Sectionals (brass and woodwinds only)
Drumline Sectional
Full Band Rehearsal

Dig for the Cure Volleyball Match
6:00pm call time in band room.
Game will be outside in the stadium, weather permitting
We will be wearing, once again, our khaki shorts/tee shirt outfit weather permitting
Students SHOULD be finished around 8:00pm
Parents are encouraged to attend this WONDERFUL event honoring those who have been afflicted with, are recovering from, have survived, or have passed away due to cancer.

Full Band Rehearsal

Saturday – Preview of Champions Marching Festival (ALL DAY)
Attached you will find a more detailed itinerary for the day. With this being our first competition, we will send home some useful information early next week so each student is prepared for the day.
All band members must report to LSWHS before 10:30am, as that is when the bus should depart.
The band will return to LSWHS around 10:00pm.
We will be performing twice that day. The PRELIMS performance will be at 1:15pm. The FINALS performance will be sometime between 6 and 9pm. Our performance time will be selected after PRELIMS awards.

(See attached file: Preview of Champions.doc)

Some Items on the horizon for you to keep in mind:

  • Boys have been sized for their tuxedo at this point. We will be taking a picture in the near future in our concert outfits (once the girls’ dresses arrive). This picture will be for the marketing of the Washington DC performance. This means boys will soon need to have their tuxedo shirt and bowtie secured. More info on that later. Stay tuned
  • The homecoming parade is Thursday, October 1st. This is an after-school parade. We will bus the kids downtown LS, march the parade, and then bus them back to the high school
  • If your child is a member of the Symphony Orchestra (your child will know the answer to this), he/she has an orchestra concert on Thursday, October 9th. Be looking for communication from Mr. Mosier on this.

Have a GREAT weekend and we will see you TONIGHT at the ballgame!

Go Titans!

Clifton D. Thurmond

Preview of Champions.doc

Titan Pride Marching Band – Change of Attire

Hello there! Fall has either arrived or is giving us a little preview, which I love as it is my FAVORITE season of all.

Due to the possibility of chilly weather, we have decided to alter our uniform a little bit so all are more comfortable. Here are the specifications:

  • Students need to wear BLUE jeans
  • Students need to wear their blue Pep Band shirt (same shirt we wore to the first game)
  • Students can choose to wear a THIN, long-sleeved shirt underneath this tee shirt (NO HOODIES OR THICK SWEATSHIRTS) Attempt to match the colors if possible (white, silver, navy, black)
  • Students can choose to bring a light jacket or coat with them. We will collect them during warm up inside the school and have the music parents haul them down to the bleachers (jackets/coats can only be worn while in the bleachers)
  • Students will be wearing the provided ball cap (they will receive this when they arrive Friday night)
  • All girls need to have their hair pulled back into a single braid (not pony tail or pig tails). If their hair is too short for this, please have it pulled up/back to it can be conducive to uniformity.


Clifton D. Thurmond

Director of Bands, Lee’s Summit West High School

Music Spirit Wear

Good Evening Everyone,

To start lets keep our fingers crossed for no rain tomorrow for the Ice Cream Social!

I am attaching a form for t-shirts or hoodies. We have a new design this year.

Orders are due Friday 9-19. Turn orders in the drop boxes in the band room or choir room. Please make sure that its in an envelope marked Spirit Wear.

Order forms will be at our merchandise table tomorrow night.

Thank you,

Andrea Kaiser

LSW Music Fundraiser Liaison

Spirit wear form.docx

Titan Pride Update, Week of September 8th

Happy September, hope all is well with your family.

LOTS of information here, so make sure you read everything that applies to you and your child.

Tuesday, September 9th
Ice Cream Social

  • All unsold tickets and money for sold tickets were due TODAY at school. If this didn’t happen, please have your child bring money and unsold tickets to school on Monday.
  • Tickets are required for ANYONE who will eat a meal or dessert (separate tickets). This includes the performers.
  • All band students are to be in the PAC for warm up at 6pm. They should be dressed in our current uniform (new titan pride shirt, khaki shorts, tennis shoes with socks)
  • The event begins at 6pm in the courtyard (weather permitting) with the orchestras, followed by the band, followed by the choirs.
  • We hope to see you ALL there!

Thursday, September 11th
Evening rehearsal for full band. Rehearsal begins on the parking lot at 6:30pm

Friday, September 12th
Football Game vs Rock Bridge.

  • All band members should arrive in uniform (new titan pride shirt, khaki shorts, tennis shoes with socks & hat which will arrive next week) and be ready to warm up in the PAC at 6pm.
  • If the weather is cooler, please have them wear a long sleeve shirt UNDERNEATH their uniform shirt, if they’d like.
  • Barring time changes, the game should be over around 9:15 and students should be picked up around 9:30.

Saturday, September 13th DRUMLINE ONLY
Drummit at the Summit

  • This is for all members of the battery and frontline
  • Attached is the itinerary for the day, students will meet at LSWHS before 1pm so the bus can depart by 1. We are riding there together, not driving ourselves and arriving separately. This will make for a unified day.

(See attached file: Drummit at the Summit.doc)

Other Items for future reference:

  • The second payment for band fees (if you chose the payment plan) will be due on September 15th.
  • Remember that we added the performance for the volleyball game on Wednesday, September 17th. (Details still pending)
  • Our first band competition is on Saturday, the 20th. We will perform twice that day. The first performance will be in the early afternoon and second in the evening. Details for the day will come out next Friday.
  • If your child is planning to audition for All-District Band, they should have information with them pertaining to important dates. They must have a recording for me and the $10 audition fee by September 25th.

Thank you so much for all you have done to support the band so far this season. It is shaping up to be our best yet! The kids are doing AWESOME!

Clifton D. Thurmond

Drummit at the Summit.doc

LSWMP September news and notes

Good evening,

Thank you to all those that attended the music parent meeting, it was great to see so many new faces. I’ll have the agenda, financial summary and meeting minutes on CHARMS inside the folders shortly. The music program is in full swing with many great things going on.

Nancy Shaeffer has already sent out a couple things that we need volunteers for, please help as you can. Parent activity is essential for our students to succeed in the music program. There are over 700 parents in the music program, imagine the difference we can make in the students success if we each volunteered for a few hours.

News and notes:

– Ice Cream Social — This has been talked about but a couple of highlights. Food will be served at 5pm with performances starting at 6pm on Sept 9th. Anyone that is eating is required to pay, either purchasing tickets early or paying at the event. Please let me know if you have any items that you’d like to donate for the live auction.

Order of performances will be Orchestra, Marching Band, entire music program, auction followed by the Choirs.

– We’re in need of parents to step into open vacancies, be part of the committee or begin shadowing departing members of the music parent officers group.

– Marching Band, Choir and Instrumental uniform. We’ve had a few step up to be part of a group effort but could use more help and also someone in the coordinating position. Currently Yvonne Bechtold is helping us even though her student graduated last year and she has no students active in high school. Thank you Yvonne!

– Volunteer Liaison — Nancy will have her daughter graduating this year and we could use someone or multiple people willing to learn what she does for the music program.

– Marching Band — Buttons will be passed out prior to the next home game. If you’re a senior parent then we could use your help; banners will need to be hung and taken down at each home game and we need a volunteer for this.

– Trailer sponsorship and wrap. If you’re interested or know of companies that would be interested in having their name on our trailers that would be great.

– Fundraising — Cookie Dough fundraisers will be coming out on September 15th with the deadline to turn them in on September 29. All orders will be delivered October 20th.

Upcoming dates:

September 5 — Tuxedo fittings (9:00am-1:30pm)

September 8 — Tuxedo fittings (6:30pm-8:30pm)

September 9 — Ice Cream Social

September 12 — Football game

September 13 — Drummit at the Summit (Drumline)

September 20 — KC Preview of Champions in Blue Springs (Marching Band)

October 2 — Homecoming parade

October 2 — LSWMP Meeting

October 3 — Homecoming football game

You can follow updates from the music program on twitter @LSW_Music. The music parents are on facebook also.

Go Titans!

Brent Grigsby

LSWMP President